Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

It was an attempted coup.
I kind of think that if a real coup were to happen in this country that there would be things like pew pew pew events happening, not a few random people walking through the capitol building taking selfies while inside of the velvet ropes.
Wrong. The election was not stolen. I know that even before the election, Trump lied by saying that was the only way he could lose. When he did lose, he just kept telling that lie. When his own lawyers were asked by judges to present evidence for fraud, they stated that they had no evidence of fraud and were not alleging fraud. Even Trump's own suck-up Attorney General told him that there was no fraud which would affect the outcome of the election. You are lying about the election because your man lost.
It is fascinating to see what I would assume to be otherwise rational people continue to fall for Trump's BS.
I never in my life would have dreamed that so many could be so gullible for so long.
I kind of think that if a real coup were to happen in this country that there would be things like pew pew pew events happening, not a few random people walking through the capitol building taking selfies while inside of the velvet ropes.
I think trying to overthrow what is known to be a free and fair election fits the definition of an attempted coup.
I kind of think that if a real coup were to happen in this country that there would be things like pew pew pew events happening, not a few random people walking through the capitol building taking selfies while inside of the velvet ropes.

"A few random people walking through the capitol building taking selfies"

Yes, clearly these are just photos over a minor disagreement on the tag prices over Capitol gift shop souvenirs.






It was,100%

His disciples were just too stupid and incompetent to pull it off. Too many folks conflating the outcome with the intent.
Conflate you say? After those pictures from your previous post? Now go check the images which the judge decreed must be released that the Feds have been blocking because it doesn’t support the stupid ass narrative you’re pushing 😂🤡
"A few random people walking through the capitol building taking selfies"

Yes, clearly these are just photos over a minor disagreement on the tag prices over Capitol gift shop souvenirs.







Half of those pictures appear to be added for fluff

"A few random people walking through the capitol building taking selfies"

Yes, clearly these are just photos over a minor disagreement on the tag prices over Capitol gift shop souvenirs.







What am I supposed to be seeing in the 4th and 5th photo that proves this was violent?

This looks no different than the peaceful protests
You keep going on and on about how all these people with all their guns are so dangerous yet want to label this an attempted coup?
The attempted coup was Trump's attempt to overthrow the election. Jan. 6th was the culmination of that effort.
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Democrats: You can’t overthrow the government with an AR-15, they have planes and nukes.

Also Democrats: Unarmed people almost overthrew our government
Unarmed people with the outgoing president's support. Important little detail.
By that definition I’ll need you to also refer to the Russia hoax as a coup. It was an attempt to overthrow an election too, right?
Not at all. There was no Russia hoax. Russian interference on Trump's behalf and with his knowledge is a 100% proven fact.

Nothing hoax about it.
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LMFAO pretty much everyone here expected Pence to do exactly what he did and he did it pretty damn composed I might add however don’t let that get in the way of your stupid ass stump speech 😂

Everybody here but not the former President, whose unwashed jock strap you’ve tucked under your pillow every night for the past four years, apparently.
Everybody here but not the former President, whose unwashed jock strap you’ve tucked under your pillow every night for the past four years, apparently.
Yeah that has to be the case. I point out that Pence rightly ignored Trump as most of us here expected and I’m the one sleeping with Trump’s cod piece under my pillow. Clown 🤡
Yeah that has to be the case. I point out that Pence rightly ignored Trump as most of us here expected and I’m the one sleeping with Trump’s cod piece under my pillow. Clown 🤡

I understand. I assume I’d be defensive about carrying water for a wannabe dictator for 4 years. But, unlike you, I’ll never know for sure.
Not at all. There was no Russia hoax. Russian interference on Trump's behalf and with his knowledge is a 100% proven fact.

Nothing hoax about it.

Russian interference on behalf of Hillary, Black Lives Matter, and even Blue Lives Matter was also all 100% proven facts. And hillary was also aware of this.

That’s not the hoax. The hoax was years of pretending the American president was a patsy for the Kremlin and American left wing politicians (and the media) falsely claiming they had “more than just circumstantial evidence” proving this.

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