Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Good lord..still talking about a bunch of liquored up unarmed White civilians waltzing through an empty Capital Building as a coup? lol wtf.

Left wingers are easily frightened dingleberries.
The coup part was Trump's attempt to steal the election. The Jan. 6th morons were just the manipulated mindless zombie horde used in his coup attempt.
Thanks for the “but Trump” again. I don’t need to infer the tea leaves to feed my TDS like you do. The result of Congress’s meeting on Jan 6 was a foregone conclusion and their duties are largely ministerial in nature. You girls just need to keep this dumbass narrative going to keep the base lathered. Anybody with any common sense has long moved on.
You still can't say it.
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Another interwebz victory in a long list of self proclaimed fearless owning the VN Trumpkins. You’re a legend in your own mind 🤡
Well he did rip you a new one.
And to think, you could have salvaged a little dignity by just admitting what you obviously know.
Well he did rip you a new one.
And to think, you could have salvaged a little dignity by just admitting what you obviously know.
Oh wow. I’m sure your emphasis just makes the self declaration that much more savory for him and you. What will I ever do 😂🤡
You still can't say it.
I don’t need to make that inference. You and the “lawyer” need to. I expressed back when it happened I thought he was just going out scorched earth. He lost so he’s gonna cause as much destruction on the way out as he can. Congrats on lowering yourselves down to his level and not being able to let go.
I don’t need to make that inference. You and the “lawyer” need to. I expressed back when it happened I thought he was just going out scorched earth. He lost so he’s gonna cause as much destruction on the way out as he can. Congrats on lowering yourselves down to his level and not being able to let go.
Take it up with the lunatics wanting him to run in 2024.
Why are you asking me? Ask the guy who has 6 pages of posts telling people they’re carrying water not even counting the ones that were just memes. 😂😂🤣😂

View attachment 396727

But apparently, according to him, it’s not actually carrying water unless you’re willing to support the actual overthrow of government. 😂🤣

I bet these people will be so relieved to hear that. Somebody should go back through these six pages of posts and notify them and record the sheer joy of their reaction.
😂🤡 now reaching to a whole different topic to try and seal the interwebz win. You’re major league triggered here. Beautiful 🤣

Your fight has always been with those who hate Trump and never with those who love him.
Pretty much proves exactly what we have been saying.
Nope not at all. Any “love” of Trump outside of his family is pretty damn stupid. But he had effective policies and was 10x better than the clown in office now. Yes, that’s right Luther mean tweets and all he was more effective. And you are FOS to claim otherwise with every single fiasco ongoing and he hasn’t even been able to retire a single one. The list just keeps growing. And your “love” of anybody not Trump is just as bad as you’re trying to point to.
😂🤡 now reaching to a whole different topic to try and seal the interwebz win. You’re major league triggered here. Beautiful 🤣

View attachment 396735

If by “major league triggered” you mean “had to run to the bathroom to avoid pissing myself from laughing,” sure. Never in my wildest expectations of entertainment value did I ever think I’d see somebody on here admitting that Pence did the right thing by not listening to Trump, bristle at being reminded that they carried water for Trump for his entire Presidency (or at least the part where I posted in here), and then actually carry water for Trump on the very thing that they just admitted was wrong.

I’d ask if it was other people showing up to defend it and realizing that the other MAGA mouth breathers wouldn’t be your friend if you said anything bad about the Orange One, but we both already know it’s because I reminded you that you said “not a coup” six months ago and you’d rather have a bull elephant stand on your balls than admit you were wrong about anything.
If by “major league triggered” you mean “had to run to the bathroom to avoid pissing myself from laughing,” sure. Never in my wildest expectations of entertainment value did I ever think I’d see somebody on here admitting that Pence did the right thing by not listening to Trump, bristle at being reminded that they carried water for Trump for his entire Presidency (or at least the part where I posted in here), and then actually carry water for Trump on the very thing that they just admitted was wrong.

I’d ask if it was other people showing up to defend it and realizing that the other MAGA mouth breathers wouldn’t be your friend if you said anything bad about the Orange One, but we both already know it’s because I reminded you that you said “not a coup” six months ago and you’d rather have a bull elephant stand on your balls than admit you were wrong about anything.
It wasn’t and still isn’t a coup as far as I’m concerned. Maybe run back to the bathroom and think it over?
Good lord..still talking about a bunch of liquored up unarmed White civilians waltzing through an empty Capital Building as a coup? lol wtf.

Left wingers are easily frightened dingleberries.
You overplayed your hand here. If you want to claim that those white trash losers were harmless, that's fine. However, the building wasn't empty. The Capitol incursion on January 6th was successful in disrupting and delaying the electoral college vote roll call and certification (for about 8 hours). That was exactly what Trump wanted to happen, as well.

Ironically, there is even video of one of the biggest January 6th riot sympathizers, Rep. Andrew Clyde (GA), assisting Capitol security officers in barricading a door leading into the House Chamber. Putting up barricades as a counter to forcible entry is not action typically undertaken without at least some degree of physical danger at hand. Was Rep. Andrew Clyde also one of the "easily frightened dingleberries?"
If by “major league triggered” you mean “had to run to the bathroom to avoid pissing myself from laughing,” sure. Never in my wildest expectations of entertainment value did I ever think I’d see somebody on here admitting that Pence did the right thing by not listening to Trump, bristle at being reminded that they carried water for Trump for his entire Presidency (or at least the part where I posted in here), and then actually carry water for Trump on the very thing that they just admitted was wrong.

I’d ask if it was other people showing up to defend it and realizing that the other MAGA mouth breathers wouldn’t be your friend if you said anything bad about the Orange One, but we both already know it’s because I reminded you that you said “not a coup” six months ago and you’d rather have a bull elephant stand on your balls than admit you were wrong about anything.
BTW I’m really enjoying this reimagination post-impressionist painting you’re composing in real time Picasso 🤡
Nope not at all. Any “love” of Trump outside of his family is pretty damn stupid. But he had effective policies and was 10x better than the clown in office now. Yes, that’s right Luther mean tweets and all he was more effective. And you are FOS to claim otherwise with every single fiasco ongoing and he hasn’t even been able to retire a single one. The list just keeps growing. And your “love” of anybody not Trump is just as bad as you’re trying to point to.
The Biden presidency will be nowhere near as damaging to this country as was the Trump presidency.
This country will spend decades trying to shed the stench of Trumpism....both home and abroad.
The democratic narrative on Trump was pretty spot on.
Seems they said he would never concede the election.
Seems they said he would lie and cheat and do anything within his power to steal the election.
His egotistical personality said he'd never concede the election. The lying cheating goes along with being a politician. I'm still not convinced 1/6 was a "coup" attempt, and that Trump was trying to "steal" the election. He blustered, a lot, because he's an arrogant prick. But that's what it was, arrogant bluster.
The Biden presidency will be nowhere near as damaging to this country as was the Trump presidency.
This country will spend decades trying to shed the stench of Trumpism....both home and abroad.
It already is. And it’s spiraling worse every day. That is a fact.
The Biden presidency will be nowhere near as damaging to this country as was the Trump presidency.
This country will spend decades trying to shed the stench of Trumpism....both home and abroad.
Correct. The lasting legacy of Trump will be the egotistical and classless manner in which he handled defeat. There will eventually be a President from the Democratic Party who follows the Trump blueprint on how to cope with losing re-election, and one thing is for sure .... Republicans won't like it when that happens.
The Biden presidency will be nowhere near as damaging to this country as was the Trump presidency.
This country will spend decades trying to shed the stench of Trumpism....both home and abroad.

the bolded will only be true so long as his agenda is not realized.

if the 3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" bill doesn't pass it will certainly limit the damage.
His egotistical personality said he'd never concede the election. The lying cheating goes along with being a politician. I'm still not convinced 1/6 was a "coup" attempt, and that Trump was trying to "steal" the election. He blustered, a lot, because he's an arrogant prick. But that's what it was, arrogant bluster.
He knew he lost. Like I said he was going out scorched earth because that’s how petty he is. And it’s why he wouldn’t call it off quickly once it got going. I’ll guess he was as shocked as the next person it happened and took satisfaction at the ensuing civil unrest. Which is exactly what Jan 6 was … pent up civil unrest. Not a damn stupid coup our government faced no threat of being overthrown

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