So... in year 3, barely getting in the tournament should satisfy fans?
A crappy seed in your 3rd season after missing the tournament your first 2 seasons is grounds for being fired.
You act like just getting in is some amazing accomplishment that's worthy of a free pass and is a successful season. --- It's not.
OP is right. The season is not over. Anything can happen.
What we have had plenty of time to do, however, is assess Coach Martin as a coach. And the fact is that he's not a good coach. Yes, I said fact. So while some that only want to see the bright side will argue that "there's still a lot of season to go", there's too much evidence to suggest that Zo is a dud as a coach.
When your best argument after 5.5 years as a head coach is "there's still plenty of season to go" and "this team can get hot", he's not a good coach. I wouldn't be surprised if this team somehow sneaks into the tourney. There are a lot of bad teams out there that will lose games they should win. But sneaking into the tourney isn't going to change my mind (or should it change anyone's) about the actual coach that Zo is. He's shown it with regard to strategy/scouting, in game adjustments, lack of team identity and recruiting. The one thing Zo does is run a clean program.
So yes, there's a lot of time left in the season. I'm sure we'll win a game or two that we shouldn't and lose a few that we shouldn't. It's what happens when your strategy is to "play hard" and rely on some of our guys just to get hot.
Do you not read? I've said at a least 3 times in this thread that squeaking into the dance as a bubble team isn't some major success.
My point was simply to lay out the facts as to where we stand, and that we aren't doomed for the NIT on 1/12/14
We only play KY once this year, at Lexington.
This right here is what I don't understand. You are whining and complaining about how much you love the Vols, and that you as a fan deserve a better coach, blah blah blah, but you don't even realize that the Vols only play Kentucky once this year. I think the team deserves better fans before you can think you deserve a better coach, or style of play, or whatever.
No, it's just the most vocal are a bunch of schmucks who were not on here after blasting Virginia, not on here after throttling LSU, and then come on here acting like they know everything and prove how ignorant they are when they obviously have no clue. That's proven simply with every post that says we need to split with Kentucky. If they were really that smart, they'd realize that it is literally as impossible to do it as they believe it is to still make the Dance.
When you say, and I quote, "I'll say right now that they better beat Fla (x 2) or Ky at least once", it can be assumed that UT plays Kentucky more than once. Who's the dumbass now?
Yet Missouri lost to Georgia who after everything shakes out will probably be worse than A&M....hmmmm
I didn't say they were going to be worse than A&M did I, where do you keep pulling this stuff from?
I also didn't realize there was 5 minutes to go in the 2nd half of the 2nd A&M game, I was under the impression that games in a few weeks. I remember all the people after UTEP, who said Xavier was gonna whoop our a$$ for the 2nd time, how did that turn out?
Here's as simple as I can state this, they're 10-5, double that (meaning we play similar to how we have), and you've likely got a tourney team :hi:
If you're predicting some horrible finish and us going 3-15 in the SEC then say so, but if we play the final 16 games like we did the first 15 we will be in a position to's that simple.
When you say, and I quote, "I'll say right now that they better beat Fla (x 2) or Ky at least once", it can be assumed that UT plays Kentucky more than once. Who's the dumbass now?
And maybe you need to see the "x 2" to decipher that. Otherwise, I would've put that beside Ky too. But, nice projecting there and you questioning my "fandom". That's rich. Pathetic, but rich.
OP is right. The season is not over. Anything can happen.
What we have had plenty of time to do, however, is assess Coach Martin as a coach. And the fact is that he's not a good coach. Yes, I said fact. So while some that only want to see the bright side will argue that "there's still a lot of season to go", there's too much evidence to suggest that Zo is a dud as a coach.
When your best argument after 5.5 years as a head coach is "there's still plenty of season to go" and "this team can get hot", he's not a good coach. I wouldn't be surprised if this team somehow sneaks into the tourney. There are a lot of bad teams out there that will lose games they should win. But sneaking into the tourney isn't going to change my mind (or should it change anyone's) about the actual coach that Zo is. He's shown it with regard to strategy/scouting, in game adjustments, lack of team identity and recruiting. The one thing Zo does is run a clean program.
So yes, there's a lot of time left in the season. I'm sure we'll win a game or two that we shouldn't and lose a few that we shouldn't. It's what happens when your strategy is to "play hard" and rely on some of our guys just to get hot.
Totally agree 100%
It reads "better beat Florida (x2)" which means two times, and "Kentucky at least once" meaning one out of multiple times. Sheesh, what you wrote does not match what was in your simplistic mind.
20-10, by doubling our current record, doesn't get us in the tournament, barring some good wins during the SEC schedule. We better hope we have a lot of games where we get hot from three, like the UVA game. The SEC won't do us much favors due to its weak status, unless we beat Florida or UK.
As I said in my last post, no, we're not doomed for the NIT. But Zo is doomed as a coach at UT. He's simply not a good coach. This team can get hot because we have a lot of talent on it. When I say "get hot", we can make shots and maybe finish the SEC with 5 losses somehow. I don't think it will happen because we can get just as cold and lose to someone we shouldn't.
But the verdict is in on Zo. It's been in for awhile now but each week that goes by just reinforces it. He's not a good coach. The only thing about his program that is above par is the off court conduct. Everything else is subpar.
I thought you meant Mizzou would be worse than A & M not UGA. UGA and A & M are both garbage teams that UT shouldn't be losing to at home. Period.
And throw out how Mizzou is going to do. All I care about is UT. Here we are again in mid-Jan hoping and projecting where the hell this team will be yet again in March. Don't you think after 3 years it has gotten old? Can you not see the forest for the trees?
We are in year 3 and we are in the exact same spot we have been in the last 2 years and we have more talent and experience. If this was any other team, you would be criticizing them. If this was Memphis and Pastner having these results with this roster, you would be criticizing him. Anyone that knows anything about basketball would be criticizing this coaching job. Why? Because it's sub standard.
Yet, here we are in year 3 yet again hanging on by a thread and needing to pull some wins out of our ass because we have left little margin for error. Sorry, it has gotten old, stale and predictable.
You happy with your hiding after the LSU game because you were completely wrong on your predictions? Funny how you spewed all that crap and when they were up 15 you were avoiding this site.