Your call: Worley or Peterman and why?

Obviously this is an exciting question and one we can focus on relentlessly as the days tick down toward Aug 31st.

It seems to me that the vibe coming from the staff gives Worley the edge at the moment with the caveat that it's really wide open. So I'm going with it's really wide open but Worley has the edge.

Now I think they are all 4 smart - and I suspect more mature than Bray. I don't think anyone has said any of the 4 have Bray's arm talents but we could gather up some beer bottles, head up to balcony and have some evaluation drills. We'll need someone to put the videos on YouTube so all the analysts have access.

Seriously, we may not know even after fall camp. Sometime a great practice player is a lousy game player and vice versa and I think most every coach knows this. I think all the guys as has been said are doing everything they have been asked to do.

In reviewing past CBJ stats I didn't see many long pass plays at all, "most definitely" not what we were used to with Bray. I think these guys are looking for the best fit to run our "new" offense. On the other hand it's been said repeatedly that we'll fit our schemes to our talent on the field.

Experience does count, maturity too if you have it. Knowing the offense is important. athleticism, ability, instincts, leadership, and all that matter as well but in the end it's about producing on the field. It begins with practice and then has to be followed by translating that production to the game. We could have 2 starters ready for game 1 but I think CBJ wants to name a single starter. It could be a tough call but I think he'll do that just to get rid of the distraction. Meanwhile the other guy will be ready should the opportunity, for whatever reason, present itself.

Do I think Justin is ready? I don't know. Nate? Don't know. One of the Freshmen? Sorry, don't know. I think it looks like Justin has the edge going into fall camp but it's really wide open.
We here at VN seem to be underestimating the talent and heart of Riley Ferguson. I realize the positives of Dobbs, but I will wager with any fan right now that Dobbs will never start a single game over Riley Ferguson
You can't judge it just based on that. Bray didn't look that good in last years O&W game either. It will be Worley's job to lose IMO.

Bray looked bad because of the 30 plus MPH winds gusting thru Neyland. Peyton wouldnt have had gold numbers in that weather.
Bray looked bad because of the 30 plus MPH winds gusting thru Neyland. Peyton wouldnt have had gold numbers in that weather.

That day was miserable. I think the weather man called for 55 and sunny. It was 45, cloudy, with gail force blowing off the River.
That day was miserable. I think the weather man called for 55 and sunny. It was 45, cloudy, with gail force blowing off the River.

Definitely not ideal throwing conditions, wouldnt have mattered who was throwing that day and Bray has a cannon for an arm
Do we really know enough at this point to make an educated decision. I certainly haven't seen enough to really know who the starter would be.

Don't let let the educated part bother you. The majority of VN posters only make wild speculations based on both ignorance and arrogance.

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