Good post. I think Jim Chaney is clearly one of the best QB coaches in the nation. Time in the film room, practice, reading defenses, checking down to runs, etc. these are clear cut advantages Worley has on the freshman. I remember Bray checking down to run plays only to run his poor RB straight into the teeth of a blitz. Worley seems to have a better head on his shoulders, not quite as physically gifted but smart. Again, I don't see Worley throwing for 350-400 like Bray....even if Chaney were still the OC. I could see him being a 17/24 225yd 2td 1int type of guy, but having a much much better grasp on what's going on in regard to reading the D, etc. Hard for me to think that these freshman are gonna be on par in these various aspects of the game. This is real life, not NCAA 14' video game.