Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

I can’t speak for every university, but when I was at UVA I had to take a sh*tload of math courses before I was allowed to declare Econ as my major.
I was actually a math major for almost 3 years before I changed majors and got a degree in Econ.
God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.

I’m not holding out much hope for those on the right and left sides of the political conversation to get back to the point of civil discussion. Both sides have gone too far for that and I’m afraid an entire generation will have to live with those repercussions. At this point, I’m just hoping for an administration that will calm down the rhetoric so that we have some hope of avoiding civil war.
Apparently Tony Blinken will be Secretary of State. That has to be considered a bit of a surprise. Most people thought Susan Rice was a shoo-in.
Apparently Tony Blinken will be Secretary of State. That has to be considered a bit of a surprise. Most people thought Susan Rice was a shoo-in.
She incorrectly answered the question “How interested are you in starting a land war in the next 18 months?”
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I was actually a math major for almost 3 years before I changed majors and got a degree in Econ.

I went to Columbus college of art and design for 2 years before I realized I sucked at drawing. Then switched my major to psychology. Then switched my degree to Pre law. Then switched my major to Business Finance.

You would think in 2 years they could have found one hot chick for us to draw nude. Just one! But oh no. It was like the shining bathroom scene every freaking time.
You are truly a lost sheep if you equate him going away to mean the people are his movement are going away.

It is funny, people complain about hating s 2 party system yet Trump wasnt really part of the 2 party system.
Trump going away us the worst thing that could happen to the democrats. I hope he stays around and fractures the Republican party between conservatives and the freakshow trumpkins. I think Trump is selfish enough to do it too. He's not going anywhere and the Republicans are going to regret it.
Trump going away us the worst thing that could happen to the democrats. I hope he stays around and fractures the Republican party between conservatives and the freakshow trumpkins. I think Trump is selfish enough to do it too. He's not going anywhere and the Republicans are going to regret it.
What will SNL do now? Alec Baldwin is out of a job again, and you know they won't make fun of Biden so Carrey is out as well. 80% of Weekend Update is jokes about Trump, how will they fill that time?
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What will SNL do now? Alec Baldwin is out of a job again, and you know they won't make fun of Biden so Carrey is out as well. 80% of Weekend Update is jokes about Trump, how will they fill that time?
What will CNN, MSNBC, etc. do? I'm guessing they will still bitch about Trump for at least a year or two. TDS is hard to shake. Ask Septic, LG, EL, Mick (RIP), USAirfartVol, RT, BNHunt, Clearwater Vol, Asheholevolle, Huff, etc.
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Ole Joe is wanted in Ukraine on Class A felony charges.

Can you imagine if this was Trump?

I think Trump is currently wanted for the same as Michael Cohen was sent to the Big House for..

I guess that awaits him on Jan 20.

I suppose he could retreat to the WH bunker and disappear into the DC tunnels like some fugitive Quasumodo Phantom of the Opera.
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What will CNN, MSNBC, etc. do? I'm guessing they will still bitch about Trump for at least a year or two. TDS is hard to shake. Ask Septic, LG, EL, Mick (RIP), USAirfartVol, RT, BNHunt, Clearwater Vol, Asheholevolle, Huff, etc.
Trump is all the kept CNN in the black the last four years. The media in general will suffer greatly now. The majority of people aren't terribly interested in Biden or Harris, and it's probably going to be hard to pretend that civil war is imminent every day for the next four years. And then we're going to get a vaccine for corona and that crisis will be over as well. With any luck Biden will have chosen a country to attack by that point to prop up ratings.

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