Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

What will CNN, MSNBC, etc. do? I'm guessing they will still bitch about Trump for at least a year or two. TDS is hard to shake. Ask Septic, LG, EL, Mick (RIP), USAirfartVol, RT, BNHunt, Clearwater Vol, Asheholevolle, Huff, etc.

Leading experts believe there is going to be a surge in BDS cases come late January.
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I went to Columbus college of art and design for 2 years before I realized I sucked at drawing. Then switched my major to psychology. Then switched my degree to Pre law. Then switched my major to Business Finance.

You would think in 2 years they could have found one hot chick for us to draw nude. Just one! But oh no. It was like the shining bathroom scene every freaking time.
Should of first taken the old turtle drawing test
That when his Chinese food is cold that he doesn’t have someone Nuke China
Leading experts believe there is going to be a surge in BDS cases come late January.
Among leftists maybe, because he ain't a Bernie Bro. The rest of us will be preparing ourselves for the inevitable tax onslaught. Some will have to think about another career choice or job. If the taxes get to 50%, I might just have to retire and let you support me.
Amateur Hour is over boys. The days of Betsy DeVos-type appointments are behind us. Tip of the hat to having expertise back in government.

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Amateur Hour is over boys. The days of Betsy DeVos-type appointments are behind us. Tip of the hat to having expertise back in government.

Given Biden’s “expertise” on Foreign Policy, we can only hope that he has a strong National security team. Although reading up on Blinken, he seems in lock step with the views and positions that Biden has held in his nearly 5 decades in Washington. So I guess we’re pretty much screwed.
Given Biden’s “expertise” on Foreign Policy, we can only hope that he has a strong National security team. Although reading up on Blinken, he seems in lock step with the views and positions that Biden has held in his nearly 5 decades in Washington. So I guess we’re pretty much screwed.
Blinken really wanted to go after Syria but obama declined. Hopefully Biden has the stones needed to start another conflict in the ME. Also we know there will be a return of Europe slurping and billions headed their way again. That’s why they’re all so upbeat about Biden coming on. He won’t ask those pesky questions about GDP and defense spending.
Have you heard Biden say such a thing? A gross over-generalization on your part.
One part that Biden did say that made me laugh.... two stories on the same page.... one was talking about reaching across the aisle and healing America..... the next was biden calling them far right extremists trying to take your health insurance lol
You're late. The irony is that Biden's dementia is an upgrade.
If it would keep him in his room asleep at 9 AM like he was during his campaign.... I would agree with you..... it’s sad we can’t find a decent candidate to be the leader of the US

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