Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

They want to put a man whom has never worked a regular job a day in his life as head of the Dept of Labor. God help us.

Progressives unveil Biden Cabinet wish list
“Democrats have a once-in-a-generation moment to deliver policies at the scale of the crises our generation is facing,” said Prakash. “The Senate can’t be an excuse; whether or not Mitch McConnell remains the Majority Leader, we need an Office of Climate Mobilization and visionary personnel in the Biden administration who are ready to use every tool in their disposal to create millions of good-paying green jobs.”

Can’t imagine why I left the Democratic Party 11 years ago.
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“Democrats have a once-in-a-generation moment to deliver policies at the scale of the crises our generation is facing,” said Prakash. “The Senate can’t be an excuse; whether or not Mitch McConnell remains the Majority Leader, we need an Office of Climate Mobilization and visionary personnel in the Biden administration who are ready to use every tool in their disposal to create millions of good-paying green jobs.”

Can’t imagine why I left the Democratic Party 11 years ago.
i hope to God Joe stays moderate and ignores this stupid list
Our military is so screwed!

Biden taps transgender veteran to join Department of Defense transition team
“Democrats have a once-in-a-generation moment to deliver policies at the scale of the crises our generation is facing,” said Prakash. “The Senate can’t be an excuse; whether or not Mitch McConnell remains the Majority Leader, we need an Office of Climate Mobilization and visionary personnel in the Biden administration who are ready to use every tool in their disposal to create millions of good-paying green jobs.”

Can’t imagine why I left the Democratic Party 11 years ago.
You and me both brother.
How did this happen?
I sincerely hope that he makes it for 4 years. The weight of that office is unimaginable and takes a heavy toll on whoever holds the office. Watching him be led on and off the stages during the campaign has me curious to see the first time he walks down the stairs from Air Force One. Can he do it on his own?
Trump was a trust fund baby who’s never worked a normal job and he got elected president. You doth protest too much.
Not trying to debate Trump here but he's managed a multi billion dollar real estate empire. Bernie has never had a job except being in government. He doesn't need to be in charge of anything. Not even close to the same thing

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