Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

Let me assure you, it will not be as much fun as it will be to watch you cy about it.

I have?

Aside from them being the only realistic alternative to Donny, can you point to where I've supported him, her or their agenda?

Here's a link to my post history, I'll wait.

Truth is, Biden was a terrible candidate and his pick of a black woman was as shallow as trumps bible thumping VP choice - we should all be completely offended by both. As horrendous of an option as Biden was, he legitimately still kicked the sht out of trump. Biden won not because people liked him, thought his agenda was swell - he won because Trump was a piece of human garbage and even as dumb as Americans are, they figured this one out.

The world isn't black and white, you've created the false dichotomy. Use your noodle.
You are a radical democrat who supported a communist.
He didn't legitimately kick the schiff out of anyone, he cheated and I personally will never recognize him as president. I hope he fails at everything.
You all hated Trump because he put the country over the interests of China and Iran. You voted for a guy who is owned by China. Enjoy comrade
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You are a radical democrat who supported a communist.
He didn't legitimately kick the schiff out of anyone, he cheated and I personally will never recognize him a president. I hope he fails at everything.
You all hated Trump because he put the country over the interests of China and Iran. You voted for a guy who is owned by China. Enjoy comrade
Oh the irony of this is almost too much
You are a radical democrat who supported a communist.
He didn't legitimately kick the schiff out of anyone, he cheated and I personally will never recognize him as president. I hope he fails at everything.
You all hated Trump because he put the country over the interests of China and Iran. You voted for a guy who is owned by China. Enjoy comrade

You should know that your tears will nourish me throughout the Thanksgiving holiday.
Bit of a surprise as I, and a lot of others, believed that Flournoy was the heavy favorite. Austin wil need a waiver from the Senate, but that shouldn’t be an issue.
Bit of a surprise as I, and a lot of others, believed that Flournoy was the heavy favorite. Austin wil need a waiver from the Senate, but that shouldn’t be an issue.

Mattis was in the same boat and he sailed thru. Austin would appear qualified and has been active in the defense industry since leaving the service just like Mattis was. He’s on the board at RTX
You are a radical democrat who supported a communist.
He didn't legitimately kick the schiff out of anyone, he cheated and I personally will never recognize him as president. I hope he fails at everything.
You all hated Trump because he put the country over the interests of China and Iran. You voted for a guy who is owned by China. Enjoy comrade

Hahaha not my president!!! hahaha
Anyone who voted for the Chinese puppet dementia patient or his communist tramp should probably pass on saying who is and isn't a patriot
Likewise, anyone that thinks throwing out sexist derogatory comments about women qualifies as intelligent debate should probably pass on posting in general.
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God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.

His Vice President met with the family of a rapist (Jacob Blake) to tell them how she hoped he recovered.

She also introduces herself with her pronouns.

Harris/Biden will be the complete opposite of normalcy unless by a return to normalcy you mean failed foreign policy of Obama/bush

The most amazing thing so far this election season was watching the media let Biden and Harris by with the insane lie that they were going to eliminate the trump taxes but not raise taxes on the poor or middle class. You have to be msnbc level ignorant not to understand the issue there

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