Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

Likewise, anyone that thinks throwing out sexist derogatory comments about women qualifies as intelligent debate should probably pass on posting in general.
She's the one who chose to sleep her way to the top, I'm simply just pointing it out
She's the one who chose to sleep her way to the top, I'm simply just pointing it out
It's literally all you can post about. My guess is you're a wee little man who can't stand a woman being in power. Get used to it bro.
It's literally all you can post about. My guess is you're a wee little man who can't stand a woman being in power. Get used to it bro.
I have no problem with a woman being in power.
What I have a problem with: communists, women who have no qualifications but the ability to spread her legs. She checks both of those boxes
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I have no problem with a woman being in power.
What I have a problem with: communists, women who have no qualifications but the ability to spread her legs. She checks both of those boxes
Grow up, man. You sound like a middle-school child.
The most amazing thing so far this election season was watching the media let Biden and Harris by with the insane lie that they were going to eliminate the trump taxes but not raise taxes on the poor or middle class. You have to be msnbc level ignorant not to understand the issue there

I'm prepared for the marginal tax issue Biden is lubing me up for.
Feel free to pay mine too then if you’re looking forward to it. The damn government already steals too much damn money from the citizens. TIA

You drinking today? You seem to be swinging wildly.

Being "prepared for" and "looking forward to" are not synonymous.
You drinking today? You seem to be swinging wildly.

Being "prepared for" and "looking forward to" are not synonymous.
You sounded pretty positive in that post man. Down right giddy. Get after it and go ahead and pay mine too.

But now that you mention drinking ...
You sounded pretty positive in that post man. Down right giddy. Get after it and go ahead and pay mine too.

But now that you mention drinking ...

Which part of stating that I'm prepared for a marginal tax hike sounded giddy?
Which part of stating that I'm prepared for a marginal tax hike sounded giddy?
Well based on the link you dropped I’ll go with you dont know what you’re talking about or you really don’t make as much as I think you do which is doubtful. Which is it?
I'm not so sure, it worked wonders for my back a few weeks ago, but I did have to go to bed about 5 o'clock in the afternoon though.

That's the only downside I can see ...... :rolleyes: as we get older it's lights out at 5 o'clock.
I quit Jack & coke because it did nothing but put me to sleep at 4pm.
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I have?

Aside from them being the only realistic alternative to Donny, can you point to where I've supported him, her or their agenda?

Here's a link to my post history, I'll wait.

Truth is, Biden was a terrible candidate and his pick of a black woman was as shallow as trumps bible thumping VP choice - we should all be completely offended by both. As horrendous of an option as Biden was, he legitimately still kicked the sht out of trump. Biden won not because people liked him, thought his agenda was swell - he won because Trump was a piece of human garbage and even as dumb as Americans are, they figured this one out.

The world isn't black and white, you've created the false dichotomy. Use your noodle.

If you did vote for Biden you went completely against your goal of small fiscal government.

Both are spenders but all aspects of government are going to grow by leaps and bounds under him.
If you did vote for Biden you went completely against your goal of small fiscal government.

Both are spenders but all aspects of government are going to grow by leaps and bounds under him.

Both suck - that's true, voting for either is against what I'd like to see in a small, fiscally responsible government. But they're two sides of the same coin... Voting for trump would have been against "my goal" too. This time I just voted for the guy who didn't entrust an absolute mong like Rudy G with the keys to country.

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