Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

Not yet. The electors have to have their say first. Plus the court battle. This is a long way from over. I’m not saying Biden won’t be president, just that it’s gonna be a while yet. The media can project whatever they want, that’s all they are, projections. The state electors are the ones who will elect the president.
So you never call any newly elected president President elect?
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Not yet. The electors have to have their say first. Plus the court battle. This is a long way from over. I’m not saying Biden won’t be president, just that it’s gonna be a while yet. The media can project whatever they want, that’s all they are, projections. The state electors are the ones who will elect the president.

If you’re a Trump supporter - Why you doing this to yourself?

This is like us Vol fans saying every offseason that THIS is the season we’re back and will beat Bama or FL. Then the game comes and reality sets in.

Get the heartache out of the way now. Absolutely, let them investigate. But you should really lower your expectations for results of these investigations.
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Not yet. The electors have to have their say first. Plus the court battle. This is a long way from over. I’m not saying Biden won’t be president, just that it’s gonna be a while yet. The media can project whatever they want, that’s all they are, projections. The state electors are the ones who will elect the president.
We've been saying all along Trump wouldn't leave with dignity. It's almost comforting to be once again proven correct.

And some Trumpers on here actually said he would concede when he lost. lol
We've been saying all along Trump wouldn't leave with dignity. It's almost comforting to be once again proven correct.

And some Trumpers on here actually said he would concede when he lost. lol
That’s the thing, Luther. Constitutionally he’s not lost... yet. It’s a process. Let it play out.
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If you’re a Trump supporter - Why you doing this to yourself?

This is like us Vol fans saying every offseason that THIS is the season we’re back and will beat Bama or FL. Then the game comes and reality sets in.

Get the heartache out of the way now. Absolutely, let them investigate. But you should really lower your expectations for results of these investigations.
I’m not a Trump supporter. Very far from it actually. There is a process in place, let the process play out.
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The thing is, he has lost. We will see how much of whatever dignity he has left, he's willing to throw away.
All I know is you’re dealing with Donald Trump. This man will head to any door that has victory in sight in the legal arena. It would be an awful shame to end up with egg on your face. Let the process work. You’ll have your pound of flesh considering the political climate in America in 2020.
All I know is you’re dealing with Donald Trump. This man will head to any door that has victory in sight in the legal arena. It would be an awful shame to end up with egg on your face. Let the process work. You’ll have your pound of flesh considering the political climate in America in 2020.
No one is stopping any process from playing out, they are celebrating the fact that Biden was elected president with full confidence that any process being played out will lead to the correct result.
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No one is stopping any process from playing out, they are celebrating the fact that Biden was elected president with full confidence that any process being played out will lead to the correct result.
You’d hope so. We will see, I reckon.
One less racist. Leftists should throw a parade when captain "racial jungle" bows out. Something tells me that he'll be remembered by the mainstream media as a paragon of virtue, though. He has a (D) next to his name.
I predict he will turn over the WH to Harris in no more than 2 years... maybe less than 1 year if his health gets any shakier...

And he will be hailed as an altruistic hero who sacrificed his golden years for his country.
God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.
There’s not 1 thing about that POS Biden that’s decent. Period

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