Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.
This thread will come back to haunt you.
Remember, sleepy Joe doesn’t work for you but he’ll work for his supporters as much as his non-supporters.
God it feels good to say that!

A return to normalcy. A return to decency. Getting the country healed. Those are my top three hopes. Then let's grab us some guns.

PS. I'm just kidding about the guns.

Ah yes you like a POTUS to look and not do. Gotcha.
Me and some of my redneck buddies are gonna put our bbguns in our gun racks in our big ass four wheel drive trucks, put our Biden/Harris signs and flags on them and drive up and down 40 honking horns and blocking traffic.
Put your flags on the truck and come on down to 40 and join in the fun. We may even get to harass some Trump busses!!!
Not White trash like you buddy. But you go ahead :)
Control COVID, end the Trump disinformation machine, tax reform.
We had tax reform. Saved me $55,000 last year over your boy Zero's policy. But I guess you won't be happy until only your elitist gods are making more than anyone else. Not to worry, you will be down in the mud with the rest of us.
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It'll be an improvement over the last four years if we merely get back to arguing about taxes, trade, and the normal stuff people argue about.
His only real choice for change would be via executive order. This will be the most divided Congress in modern history. At best the Senate will be 50/50 for him and the House Dems lost seats so the new one will be around 224-211 very slim margin. My hope is that we stay out of regional conflicts and that 99.9% of Bill's passed involve renaming a bridge or building.
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EOs are good again I guess?

Those sound terrible and none of those should be a day 1 priority. Get this country back to work
Obama did 276 over 8 years. Trump is at 193 already. His pace far surpasses Obama's.

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