Your Hopes For The Next POTUS Joe Biden

Listen to scientists and infectious disease doctors as we respond to the pandemic.

Restore America’s standing on the world stage.

Appoint qualified people to the Cabinet.

Mandates, Clowns, Oh My

That’s pretty much what Jonah Goldberg says his mandate is. I tend to agree.

I think he needs to move mountains to get those kids back to their families.
He’s saying Biden has to have congressional approval to raise taxes.
When’s the last time you’ve known a fat and bloated bureaucracy to turn down a tax increase? It’s more spending more big government crap. The only thing good about Trump was the tax cuts and no new wars.
When’s the last time you’ve known a fat and bloated bureaucracy to turn down a tax increase? It’s more spending more big government crap. The only thing good about Trump was the tax cuts and no new wars.
It’s one of the few legislative accomplishments of the Republican senate over the past 4 years. I doubt they’re chomping at the bit to undo it.

Taxes are going to have to go up at some point. I doubt we can pay down Trump’s tab with just decreased spending. But it will be put off and moderated by the senate, if it happens at all.
Isn’t Biden’s plan to raise capital gains tax to 40% from where it is now at 21%.

Isn’t Biden’s plan to raise the corporate tax rate from now 21% to 35% which will kill industry and jobs.
We’ve seen over and over again that cutting taxes to the wealthy has no impact on the middle and lower class. Why we continue to pander to the richest of the rich is mind-boggling. Now I know your response will be that they will just pack up and leave, but they’re doing that anyway. What would you rather have? Manufacturing that may or may not stay in the states, or a very large percentage of Americans getting more money? I’ll take the latter.
It’s one of the few legislative accomplishments of the Republican senate over the past 4 years. I doubt they’re chomping at the bit to undo it.

Taxes are going to have to go up at some point. I doubt we can pay down Trump’s tab with just decreased spending.
In the current climate tax increases of any kind will cripple the economy and put already struggling people out in the street. Thanks to the stupid lockdowns.
In the current climate tax increases of any kind will cripple the economy and put already struggling people out in the street. Thanks to the stupid lockdowns.

You’re not addressing the points being made by any of the people discussing with you.
Lmao that’s a staying in business problem.
Why has this country become beholden to corporate greed? We are being held hostage by people who makes millions or billions of dollars. And for what? The hope they’ll pay their employees more? The hope they’ll stay here? **** them all. That’s the real problem.

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