Groundbreaking analysis
Why did they leave out the 3rd option - homeless?
Now is the time to get a loan if you are gonna do it. Money is basically free.My wife and I rented a townhouse in Morristown from Oct. 2017 until April of this year. Our rent went from 725 to 900. Once it hit 900, we decided to move. Thankfully her parents bought and house to flip it but are letting us live there right now with the option to buy.
This is the Biden surcharge. We are paying a premium just to live
from the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning to the time we
brush our teeth and get into bed at night. The barebones cost of living
is going up thanks to these reckless spending priorities. - Marsha Blackburn
Higher than it should have been. His reckless fiscal and monetary policy is really my only problem with his tenure. Problem is that pretty much every president has been like that. They just pass the problem on to the next generationWhat was inflation under Trump? There is always some inflation. I was thinking it was in the mid 1s. Anyone know, or do I need to google?
Here’s more information that pegs to early March.
Higher than it should have been. His reckless fiscal and monetary policy is really my only problem with his tenure. Problem is that pretty much every president has been like that. They just pass the problem on to the next generation
Trump signed off on stimulus programs as well as encouraged lower interest rates by the Fed. All of those things cause inflation and currency devaluation, and both of them were shortsighted in my view. There’s no earthly way that won’t contribute to a higher than optimal rate of inflation. Unfortunately Biden is just going to make it even worse, he’ll make Trump seem restrainedCompared to when? What should it be? 0%?
You’ll never see me criticize military spending. It’s absolutely vital to invest, invest and invest again in them. My criticism is the stimulus, and lower interest rate by the Fed over the whole length of his term. Our currency is becoming less and less relatively valuable. At some point if we don’t address this we will turn into the next Venezuela, that’s probably why the Chinese unleashed the virus on us. They probably anticipated that we’d react with even more deficit spending. It’s not good. I don’t have it out for Trump either, I’d like to see him run with Rand Paul. That’s Probably a pipe dreamWhat did he overspend on? He had to get the military that he inherited up to speed. Every time he tried to cut or combine ANY program he was attacked relentlessly by the Left. Don’t have an operation Warp Speed or any economic stimulus to battle the pandemic shut down? Cutting taxes created near term deficits but it pays long term dividends to the US economy by encouraging domestic investment and job creation. Plus with zero % rates it’s a good time to spend on infrastructure.