Zero Tolerance Follies

Actually, MADD supports the school:

School lawyer lied about 'arrest' of girl suspended for trying to help drunken pal, attorney says | Fox News

Isn't this a tad bit against what MADD stands for?

There seems to be some confusion about who was/wasn't drinking. If they are talking about the girl that called to get picked up but still got in trouble I get that...she was underage drinking. The girl that was there to pick that girl up was doing NOTHING other than what all these anti-drunk driving people are advocating. Again, any hindrance to having someone, anyone, picking up an intoxicated person to be sure they aren't driving is a good thing. Any other stance is simply stupid IMO.
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There seems to be some confusion about who was/wasn't drinking. If they are talking about the girl that called to get picked up but still got in trouble I get that...she was underage drinking. The girl that was there to pick that girl up was doing NOTHING other than what all these anti-drunk driving people are advocating. Again, any hindrance to having someone, anyone, picking up an intoxicated person to be sure they aren't driving is a good thing. Any other stance is simply stupid IMO.

Agree completely. What Cox did is in line with the core purpose of preventing drunk driving. How they cannot see, or willfully ignore, that punishing her actions is counterproductive to the ultimate goal is astounding.
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then its a police matter, if the student is not charged. should he be kicked off?

If the team has rules about legal conduct like this, then yes. I know of no football team that will suspend players for immoral acts, like premarital sex, stripping, etc.
If a school can suspend an 8 year old for biting a pop-tart into an "L"-shape and holding it like a gun, then nothing surprises me when it comes to zero-tolerance idiocy.
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If a school can suspend an 8 year old for biting a pop-tart into an "L"-shape and holding it like a gun, then nothing surprises me when it comes to zero-tolerance idiocy.

Now imagine if the kid did that at McDonalds instead of at the school and that was still worthy of suspension.
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why would a kid be eating a pop-tart at McDonald's? :)

Kids are weird man! :p

My step sister was a picky enough eater that when we ate somewhere "nice" you'd have to pack stuff in case she refused to eat anything.

Anyway, back on topic, I REALLY don't care for this "school jurisdiction off school grounds" thing. It smacks of indoctrinating the the young to the government's right to intervene wherever it sees fit.
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Do u think a school should be able to kick a cheerleader that is 18 off the squad ...for dancing at the Katch One Club?

Or a football player that goes to Pitt Bull fights in Newport?

ehhh I've been there..I don't think there are many "cheerleaders" working there..
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One persons sexually explicit might be another person's norm. Time to end this sexual discrimination!
Define sexually explicit. I haven't seen any of that on here

Don't be dumb.

Sexually explicit = fat ugly chick didn't like seeing not ugly non fat girls. I mean, thats how it goes normally. Hot chicks in bikinis washing cars? Fat chicks complain. Hot chicks in bikinis selling hotdogs on the beach in Tampa? Fat chicks complain. etc etc
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Because someone set on murdering children with their concealed carry weapon is definitely going to follow the law when it comes to their no trespass warrant.

Seems the Gun Free Zone at the school would take care of that.

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