So JJ refused to catch passes from JG???

If we miss on Copeland, we can’t afford to let JJ go. We don’t have a #1 receiver on this team if he isn’t on it. Well, actually, maybe Callaway but that’s it.

Disagree, friend. This program can't afford to keep a guy like that. He is not bigger than the program, in spite of what he obviously thinks.
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Too much ridiculous rumor constantly being floated around here.

1. a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth

This seems pretty certain due to several writers and others seen this behavior during passing drills earlier in the year

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Yeah I am sure that was happening in Alabama when #2 QB that just won NC was getting reps with first unit!!!! NOT!

Don’t care. All this doesn’t matter. You win, you arwin absolutely right and nothing I said is true. Nice use of not though.
If it was already known that QD would be the starter, then this is a common thing.

Just like how the first team center and first team qb work together, same for WRs. So to see guys trade places in line in order to take reps from their qb, that's a very common thing.
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Looking back at this past season, anything was possible. If this is true:

1) It’s just another example of the ineffectual leadership of our previous coach/carnival barker.

2) JJ should be gone for good. A new coach, trying to “change the culture” and get players to “buy in” needs no part of this behavior.

3) Pruitt would set a bad precedent by reinstating JJ, “the guy can play, so he gets extra chances.”

4) Pruitt would be naive to ignore the possibility of JJ doing something similar if he’s reinstated.
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Doubt this is true, but we have practice tape for fall camp. Maybe it was like another person said and he was just wanting to build the best rapport with QD. They players seem to love JG, they really really around him which is why I think he'll be the starter.
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A few of the receivers weren't thrilled catching passes from JG early in camp because he was throwing fastballs every single throw. You look bad dropping a pass in practice, no matter how hard it was thrown. JJ was the only one that could get away with stepping out of the line to avoid JG's passes. All of that came straight from one of the receivers.

This is what I recall too. One receiver was quoted as saying, "You don't catch the passes JG throws - you survive them."
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I just wish people would stop acting like JG is an abysmal QB when we’ve seen not even a full season of him playing as a RS freshman under a horrendous coaching staff. Let’s give the dude a chance under a competent staff and a year wiser.

He was a RS Freshman that didn't even get to play a lot of high school football due to a couple of unfortunate injuries. He improved every game and showed the ability to make every throw.

I don't think either QD or JG were put in situations to be successful. QD played behind a mediocre o-line and with receivers who couldn't get separation (scheme and poor coaching at fault...not talent). JG played behind a horrendous patchwork o-line and with receivers who couldn't get separation. The difference between the two is that QD tried to force throws to make plays and threw interceptions while JG wouldn't take those chances and took sacks. You can decide if INTs or sacks are worse...they are both bad.

What I saw were two talented QBs put in bad situations. I just think JG showed more potential and improvement despite poor circumstances. I don't get all the negative talk about him...but we heard plenty of the same junk even into Dobbs' senior season. Just part of this fanbase I guess.
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JG's behavior during the GT game... then Jones' keeping the competition open just long enough for JG to win it... might give you a couple of clues.

JJ came in, changed positions, played physical, led by example,... JG came in entitled with the same kinds of promises that Hurd supposedly got.

you LOVE spreading lies huh?
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Well, if ANY player was stupid enough to admit that, then he would/ should get his butt kicked off of the team. I wish that people would stop posting this malarkey without proof.
Well, if ANY player was stupid enough to admit that, then he would/ should get his butt kicked off of the team. I wish that people would stop posting this malarkey without proof.

I guess you didn't read above...people(writers, etc) SEEN it happen a few times. Please read and comprehend :rtfm:
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Well, if ANY player was stupid enough to admit that, then he would/ should get his butt kicked off of the team. I wish that people would stop posting this malarkey without proof.

I think Bauce gave the proof, by saying he got it from Volquest writers that Seen it. What other proof does he need? Have a personal video of it?

If that is the case then we should not believe any report from anyone
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Maybe its time to stop judging mistakes by players under Jones's watch. Bad leadership brings out the worst in people.

Jennings acted the fool under Butch. Guarantano played tough but not well. Butch lied to players, disciplined unevenly, and probably struck players in practice. We aren't going to see anyone in that program at their best until the new leadership gets some on field practices under their belt.
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To be successful at the next level or at any job after college, these young me need to understand that you have to learn to work with anyone you are paired with.

Some of you will defend JJ over anything - why? Because he caught those couple of passes that stand out in your mind.

It should not matter who is QB or who is WR - the two individuals should all be about the team. If one is not - time for that one to leave and stay gone.
I'm sure he recognizes his boy Dormady is the inferior qb now. There won't be an issue, if there actually was one in the first place.

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