Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Look, Coach (@volfanhill ) and I have a complicated relationship because he thinks he hates me. But under those many many layers, he loves me like a son. Even if he is too proud to admit it.
Just because the man looks like an inbred redneck, is wearing a carhartt jacket, comes from a county that voted for Trump by a 40 point margin, and wears an archery hat doesn't mean he's a Trump voter. Oh, who am I kidding, of course he's a Trumper.

Mmmm....I’m gonna put a 10 spot on he didn’t show up at the polls. And you’re racist against Carhart jacket wearers.
Why would I? I respect the Jewish people. You're the one using the hard J. I won't but people should report you, bigot.

Wait I am lost. Referring to Jewish people with a capitalized J is anti-semitic?

I am being serious here because I never knew this or heard this before.
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Just because the man looks like an inbred redneck, is wearing a carhartt jacket, comes from a county that voted for Trump by a 40 point margin, and wears an archery hat doesn't mean he's a Trump voter. Oh, who am I kidding, of course he's a Trumper.
Right?! Its like how when I see a White liberal I automatically know they are a homosexual or a pedophile. Or when 99.9% of the mugshots shown in Atlanta are black and I go "Dang, just another anti American pro child molestation Bidephile responsible for the majority of crime in America".
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Why don’t you ever talk about the politics of the criminals murdering people in Chicago?

Or does your fetish only include mass shootings with white suspects?

Maybe it's because the gangbanger killings aren't driven by political ideology, while this one in Atlanta could very well be.
Lol. You're a clown.

We'll see. You know you suspect--as we all do--that this is ideologically based. 6/8 killed were Asian. 7/8 women. Dude loved "god and guns." Done at a time when attacks on Asians nationwide are spiking because of a dipsh*t POTUS who insisted on blaming Asians for the coronavirus.
We'll see. You know you suspect--as we all do--that this is ideologically based. 6/8 killed were Asian. 7/8 women. Dude loved "god and guns." Done at a time when attacks on Asians nationwide are spiking because of a dipsh*t POTUS who insisted on blaming Asians for the coronavirus.
Uh, no, we won't. Everyone knows you're a clown. What size are your clown shoes? Do yours help or hurt your type 2 diabeetus?

That being said he was at a rub and tug spa and it went south. The only surprising thing is he wasn't even in the Asian part of town..I mean a little bit more research and he could have killed waaaay more Koreans.
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