If being handed a flyer advocating for something you disagree with causes you trauma.......... That's a you thing.
Yah. I think people may have read past the "harassment speech held to a high standard" part of my quote/link.
Seems a big difference between seeing uncomfortable pictures or being told you may be sent somewhere that you don't believe exists by someone you don't believe in, as opposed to being a Jew on a campus where lots of people are reiterating that all Jews should be killed, etc...
As I understand it, it's not merely about being uncomfortable. It's about the high standard of
reasonable belief that you are being targeted in such a way that you can't pursue your education activities at a university, for example.
Geez, the discussion went from:
"All speech should be free; you can't dictate opinions and speech!"
"Actually, legally, there are instances where your speech could be so extreme that it makes a person or group legitimately feel so unsafe that it prevents their liberties, and that is not protected--though it's held to a high standard and generally errs on the side of protecting speech and opinions."
"Really?! Well, what about all THOSE people that made me feel uncomfortable? They're just as bad! Why did they get to do that?!"
Well, maybe their freedoms of speech didn't reach the high standard of actually making you reasonably feel too immediately unsafe to go about your business? Just a thought?