The incident is certainly disturbing. However, I don't think this is something that should stigmatize him for the rest of his life.
1. He was only 13
2. From the record, it sounds as if the older kid was really the perpetrator and that this kid was just going along with it.
Should he have gone along with it? Certainly not. And if he had been 16 or 17 at the time, I would say he is a perv and we need to stay away from him. But he was just 13 and it seems like he was just following the other kid's lead.
i'm going to be everyone's mom and dad now by stating the following:
if the other kids jumped off a bridge, does that mean you should do it too?
at 13 you know right from wrong. say no. go get help. get your babysitter out of the shower. hit the 17 year old with a baseball bat.
but you don't participate in something like that, and not have it stick with you. is it wrong on some level the kid will have this stigma with him for probalby his whole life, in some way shape or form? yeah, probably. but we all know that's the way of it.
there are certian people you equate with their acts, good and bad.
Mother Theresa
John Wilks Booth
Richard Nixon
Mike Vick
extreme examples, i'm aware, and i don't expect this kid to be so well known he'd be on a list like this, but the point really is, we don 't know any of these people personally, but they all have a stigma attached to them that we identify with. i'm sure there was someone in Mother Theresa's past that didn't like her for some reason, just like i'm sure there was someone in John Wilkes Booth's life that loved him to death.
for this kid, and the circles he's going to be associated with going forward that will involve any public identity, ie COllege football player, this is something that will have to be dealt with.