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What we know, lets see. 1. Georgia fans are trash talking both Ambles and Rogers. 2. Trolls come here and start little starter threads. 3. Gets UT fans to argue with each other. 4. They flame the fire and get us to say things negative about the recruits.
What we don't know: 1. Are they showing these posts to either one or both to take the heat off themselves?
Maybe we don't need to play their games. Just a thought.
Maybe Mods/Admins should kick trolls a$$es out at first appearance instead of waiting until they 'make trouble' ?
Just a thought.
All I keep thinking about is how much crap Ambles had to go through just to get on campus this past weekend, I know people had their conspiracy theories that Kiffin sent him here to scare off Roger's or something but I really dont think Ambles would go through that much trouble to do that. I really think this is a UNC & UT battle, he has many friend's here at UT, I think it's closer to home ( I might be mistaking ), he has an amazing WR coach now, & he has been in love with the Vols for a while. Just looking at the simple thing's you would think he is a Vol BUT that's the crazy thing about recruiting, right when you think you know what's going to happen it can completely change in seconds.
Maybe Mods/Admins should kick trolls at first appearance instead of waiting until they 'make trouble' ?
Just a thought.
Yes, our own personal VN MOD SS squad. Only the most evil MODS qualify and they must posses rock hard "No post for you" mentality. Who needs freedom of speech anyways? Lets do it! :rock::crazy::rock:
Yes, our own personal VN MOD SS squad. Only the most evil MODS qualify and they must posses rock hard "No post for you" mentality. Who needs freedom of speech anyways? Lets do it! :rock::crazy::rock:
I really am having a hard time figuring out how this comes down to us, SC and UNC. It's the Tarheels that I'm really having a hard time understanding. His interest certainly has nothing to do w/ their rich tradition in football bc there is none. Kenan is a pretty stadium that is in the trees and will be growing to about 70,000 soon, but it is certainly not comparable to Neyland stadium by any means, nor does it have the tradition of the LA Coliseum. On many Saturdays you can be blinded by the sun's reflection on all the empty aluminum bleachers at Kenan. Say what you want about our past 2 seasons, but we compete for an SEC title every 3 years. UNC has not won an ACC Championship in 30 years, they certainly haven't been to the ACC conference championship game.
SC is SC, they have been one of the best if not the best program in the country for the past decade and obviously the CLK connections, so I understand his interest.
I think you guys/gals get my point. Is there anyone close to the situation that could shed light on his apparent lean towards UNC? I mean why pick a second rate ACC school over USC's and UT's tradition and fanbase?
If MA does choose UNC that's great and good for him, I will not bash him at all. I just wont get it. I just hope he will be able to come to grips w/ the fact that no one will know or care much about him once Harrison Barnes is on campus w/ him. For a person to possess the kind of flash and ego that he does, it seems that would be something tough for him to swallow.
freedome of speach went out the window a long time ago with all the pc crap now. It's also against the law to yell fire in certain places as to arise panic. If a poster is an idiot, I say kick him out.
Give me a break with the freedon of speech argument. Just because you can (have the right to) say something doesn't mean you should.. Does freedom of speech give me the 'right' to yell fire in a crowded theatre? Does it give me the 'right' to call your or someone elses mom some vile name?
I would like to see the mods 'police' the trolls a bit more agressively.
However, what I would most like to see is less people on here so eagerly willing to scarf up the chum these trolls so regularly throw into the VolNation waters...