As for his own recruiting process, Smith said most of the calls from other programs ended once he went public with his intention to graduate in December so he could enroll at UT for the spring semester. The only school that has maintained contact is Alabama, but according to Smith, that was because he poor-mouthed the campus after visiting.
"Alabama coaches have said I'm the first player to ever say he didn't like the campus, so they want me to come back down for one more visit," Smith said. "When I went there, it just felt awkward. None of the players or coaches were talking to each other or interacting like we had at Tennessee. I got the impression that I didn't want any of the guys they had committed to be my teammates.
"Coach (Ed) Orgeron said he doesn't mind and told me to go ahead. He said those visits will just make me feel even better about coming back home to Tennessee. My job right now is to help UT be the program it used to be. Those good old days need to be now, in the present. And I want it to be that way not just for my four years but even beyond that. I want to come back like Peyton Manning and keep an eye on things and make sure it's going the way it should."
You got to love that