'10 TN OL O.C. Brown

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The only thing i can think of why we havent offered him, might be a grade issue.
The only thing i can think of why we havent offered him, might be a grade issue.

OC doesn't have grade issues.

The staff will be making off-campus visits to see recruits at the end of the month, when the dead period is over. I would expect OC to get a visit at that time.
I watched him play on the basketball. He did not look like the type of athlete you guys are describing. Good athlete for his size. But I did not see him move that well.
I think it's between LSU and Ole Miss. I'm pretty sure Reginald Buckner, his best friend from Manassass High, signed with Ole Miss to play Bball and is trying really hard to get O.C. there.

I watched O.C. play basketball and football earlier this year, and he moves like a 225lb linebacker. INCREDIBLE feet. I'm not sure why he isn't our #1 or #2 target (at least for offensive linemen). He's a beast.
"I got a Top 5," Brown said. "Auburn would be No. 1 as of today. I got LSU, Southern Miss, Kentucky and Colorado."
We're not in his top list because we haven't offered. The second we offer him, we will be at the top of his list. We'll see how things go once our coaches are allowed to go back on the road.
Brown currently holds offers from Kentucky, Southern Miss and Colorado.

"I've yet to go to one of those schools (that have offered) but I'm looking forward to going," he said. "I want somewhere that I like the coaches and I fit in great."
It appears UT has lost interest in O.C. He has not heard from them in some time and it appears they have stopped recruiting him (no mail). My prediction is UT will have renewed interest after he is offered by 2 or 3 of the following. OU, OSU, LSU, AR, GA, NC, Ole Miss, Mizzou.
It appears UT has lost interest in O.C. He has not heard from them in some time and it appears they have stopped recruiting him (no mail). My prediction is UT will have renewed interest after he is offered by 2 or 3 of the following. OU, OSU, LSU, AR, GA, NC, Ole Miss, Mizzou.

if our staff wants this kid, they will offer him regardless of what schools already have.
He probably wants to see him in camp before making an offer. If they like him he will get an offer at camp.

This. The only time that O and staff will offer players without seeing them play in person is when they feel that they are just that good.
He would be a nice guard with upside. You deinitely do not want him to go to another school and be an all-american.
I think OC will take a year or two to develop. If I can remember correctly, he is from a very low classification of football.

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