'10 WA QB Jake Heaps

utmba 93- your not thinking in terms of his shoes. I love your passion but put yourself in his shoes and pretend Tennessee was really never as good as washington and Udubs fanbase was bigger. If you were a true UT fan you would stay loyal to your school....But in the end unfortunately he goes to Udub.
Fortunately UW doesn't have the winning tradition to make your comparison a valid one. In the end, I believe he chooses what's best for his career, and goes to UT. He won't have an NFL career being constantly chased and hounded by Trojans, Golden Bears, Bruins, etc.

Can't show off your cannon-arm while laying flat on your back...I love your passion, but that won't change the fact that UW is a QB career killer. As one other gentleman recently stated..."Book It."
tennacious again put yourself in his shoes. If UT and UW switched the entire history fanbase coaching staff and facilities. If your were a true UT fan and a top tier recruited qb then you would still pick UT.
Again, you fail to realize being a Vandy fan all your life doesn't mean you take their scholarship offer over one from USC. Tracking with me now? That's a more proper comparison. Screw fan loyalty if it means throwing a probable NFL career in the trashcan.
What part of that isn't registering?
It is not about the kids future. I hope you realize even though he is a top recruit, he is a kid just like everyone else. People don't go to a certain college for their future. (on most occasions) because every college offers the same degree even if some colleges you might get a better education. Yes, I realize your point. And your wrong. If you grew up watching a program your whole life, and watching them win (even if it was one year 2000) then you would automatically have them in front from the beggining. Plus a good coach at Udub. Your an idiot to think Sark isn't a good coach. Sark is a really good coach and I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up turning them around (not a national power but a solid team). He's not kiffin and our staff but he's good. You only have like one good reason for Heaps to go to UT and that is football. There is a lot more in the kids life that goes beyond football that will contribute to his decision.
and vol5790 you can't just go by rivals rankings or any recruiting database. You go by coaches evaluations. Plus the fact that there isn't (arguably) a qb in the country with as impressive an offer list (I do take into account that he did have his video out really early and got noticed earlier but his list will still be more impressive than most if not all other qbs)

The only reason UT is on his list is that he has reasoning skills and is thinking about his future.

The others are there for different reasons.

We're in this... and if he is thinking about this the right way, the choice will be Kiffin's choice and not his.
Jay Cutler. he did just fine at vandy. You guys are crazy. I'm sure there are a lot more NFL qbs that get drafted from big time programs. But I would bet there are many a qbs that start today that didn't play at bigtime programs (bad before they committed) and had good to great nfl careers.
I know UT is in this. It honestly goes down to who he is as a person. All we can tell is from articles and such because we don't know him. Sorry I would quote but my quote thing isn't working. but if he is really a true udub fan then that is where he goes. If he is looking for strictly career then it is UT. I just think if it was more about career he wouldn't be talking so highly about Udub all the time. and that's just me gathering an opinion from what I've read
It is not about the kids future. I hope you realize even though he is a top recruit, he is a kid just like everyone else. People don't go to a certain college for their future. (on most occasions) because every college offers the same degree even if some colleges you might get a better education. Yes, I realize your point. And your wrong. If you grew up watching a program your whole life, and watching them win (even if it was one year 2000) then you would automatically have them in front from the beggining. Plus a good coach at Udub. Your an idiot to think Sark isn't a good coach. Sark is a really good coach and I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up turning them around (not a national power but a solid team). He's not kiffin and our staff but he's good. You only have like one good reason for Heaps to go to UT and that is football. There is a lot more in the kids life that goes beyond football that will contribute to his decision.

This is so far off reality, I wouldn't know where to begin on this one. Nice talking to you, though. :hi:
are you serious. Someone please tell me this is far from reality if you truly agree. I know this better because I am going through the process now ( even if you went through it before it is different nowadays) just for a different sport and much much lower level. Please tell me where I'm wrong but there are many other factors going into his decsion other than football. The trick is to figure out which factors are more important to him than the others and that is where he will go. All I am gathering is my opinion that I think the factors other than football are more important. I may be wrong on that but that is the basis of my argument. You guys are trying to tell me that if that was the case it woud still be dumb to go to UDub.
It is not about the kids future. I hope you realize even though he is a top recruit, he is a kid just like everyone else. People don't go to a certain college for their future. (on most occasions) because every college offers the same degree even if some colleges you might get a better education. Yes, I realize your point. And your wrong. If you grew up watching a program your whole life, and watching them win (even if it was one year 2000) then you would automatically have them in front from the beggining. Plus a good coach at Udub. Your an idiot to think Sark isn't a good coach. Sark is a really good coach and I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up turning them around (not a national power but a solid team). He's not kiffin and our staff but he's good. You only have like one good reason for Heaps to go to UT and that is football. There is a lot more in the kids life that goes beyond football that will contribute to his decision.
When you are one of the top recruits nationally, you better believe it's a business issue...and if ANYONE cares about their future, it's in their own best interest to make their college choice carefully...one that best prepares them for the career they aspire to.
What do you think college is for? If they want to have a good time, go to Disneyland or take a cruise...but if you are one of the top kids in your class with aspirations to be a lawyer, for example, you don't turn down a Harvard scholarship for some local college. Smell what cooking here?
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I know that. But college football is not like the difference between cleveland state community college and Harvard. UDub to Tennessee comparison in football is a whole lot closer than an Ivy league school and a local college.
did you read the whole post even. Dude you guys are crazy to believe that everything is about football to these kids. To some yes your right. to others no. I am basing all my opinions of heaps that he is a kid with things more important to him than football even though football is really important (if football wasn't really important heaps wouldn't even consider us but only west coast schools)
Jay Cutler. he did just fine at vandy. You guys are crazy. I'm sure there are a lot more NFL qbs that get drafted from big time programs. But I would bet there are many a qbs that start today that didn't play at bigtime programs (bad before they committed) and had good to great nfl careers.
You and I both know that Cutler is the exception...not the rule. Ask him if he thought, in hindsight, if he could have better showcased his skills at UT, FL, USC, GA, etc
Yes, but there are lots of others. Kurt Warner, Byron Lefwich (before he left Jville) and many others but those are just two off the top of my head. Even steve mcnair. where did he play.
did you read the whole post even. Dude you guys are crazy to believe that everything is about football to these kids. To some yes your right. to others no. I am basing all my opinions of heaps that he is a kid with things more important to him than football even though football is really important (if football wasn't really important heaps wouldn't even consider us but only west coast schools)
What you keep overlooking is that those things are SECONDARY. Easy enough? Career preparation is what you go to college for PRIMARILY.

If you were considered one of the brightest minds in HS, aspiring for a top notch law degree and had scholarships from most every top law school in the country, you're telling me you'd choose UT over Harvard or Yale?

If you come to UT and start at QB, there is a high probability that you at least get drafted in the NFL. Not the case at UW. Is that easy enough for you to digest?
Yes, but there are lots of others. Kurt Warner, Byron Lefwich (before he left Jville) and many others but those are just two off the top of my head. Even steve mcnair. where did he play.
Sure and people win lotteries all the time, right? So, just because a few people win, and can afford to leave their day job, does that mean you should quit yours and hope to hit the winning lottery #'s while the bills come rolling in?
You aren't making any sense here at all.
None of these comparisons are accurate. Highly sought-after recruits don't go to the small colleges hoping they'll be the next Steve McNair, or Byron Leftwhich.

For every small college QB that makes it to the NFL, there are 20-30 that do so coming from the larger programs. If I'm a highly rated kid in the state of NY...I ain't looking at Rutgers or SU...I'm looking for the closest programs with a winning tradition. Maybe Penn St or OSU
I think he goes to BYU, Is not his sister go their? His mom and pop can see them at the same time. I don't know just a guess.
dude there is no point in wasting time arguing. Basically, you believe that a highly sought after recruit should make his decision primarily based on football. I disagree. We can post whatever we want but thats just our opinions. All I know is your still friend becuase you like the orange and white.
Fortunately UW doesn't have the winning tradition to make your comparison a valid one. In the end, I believe he chooses what's best for his career, and goes to UT. He won't have an NFL career being constantly chased and hounded by Trojans, Golden Bears, Bruins, etc.

Can't show off your cannon-arm while laying flat on your back...I love your passion, but that won't change the fact that UW is a QB career killer. As one other gentleman recently stated..."Book It."

I'm not sure how there is this perception that UW is a school that is only in the count because of the home school factor.

First of all, UW DOES have a winning tradition. I'm not sure where you got that. Even after the worst 5 year drought in the Willingham era, UW still has a top 20 winning %. In a recent ESPN Prestige ranking (essentially tradition), UW, even after the worst 5 years ever, was ranked #17. U Tenn was #12. Does U Tenn have more tradition? Yes, but to say the margin is light years is totally false. Furthermore, in the past, UW and UCLA have been traditionally the schools that challenged USC for the top spot. Until recent years, that has been the norm.

As for producing NFL QBs, I'm also not sure where you guys got your information. In two Sporting News articles on QB U, one ranked UW at #4 and the other ranked it at #15. While #4 seems a bit high for one of them, top 10 is legit when every UW QB has at some point played in the pros. Yes, every QB since the Warren Moon (HOF) to even Isiah Stanback (4th rounder on Cowboys), who is considered a weaker QB from UW, has played in the pros. Right before UW fell in obscurity in 2000, they had the most QBs in the NFL (6). Remember, the point in this paragraph, like before, is not whether UW or Tennesse is better at producing QB, but rather that UW is a solid QB NFL factory. It's true that the UW hasn't produced a top QB in the NFL since Mark Bruenell in the 90s, but their productivity in the NFL depends on pro coaching. The school just has to get the player in, which the UW has done without any breaks since the 70s. Even right now, the streak will likely continue if Jake Locker can get his passing % to even 55%, which is very plausible since Locker has shown great improvement over Spring (16/18 passes. I don't care if it's against weak defense. 16/18 is impressive and is a improvement from before.)

Speaking of which, the Huskies hired two top of the line QB coaches in Sark (one of the 2 areas that I'm confident in Sark) and Doug Nuissmeir. Sark deserves 100% of the credit for Mark Sanchez and John David Booty. He deserves at least 50% of the credit for Matt Leinart because the QB coaches works with the QB more than the OC and I know because Doug currently is working more with Locker than Sark is. Carson Palmer is hard to tell since Sark just arrived on the scene during his junior year. Hard to tell. Doug was known to have coached a kid at Michigan State (don't know the Big 10 well) who threw over 4000 yards. Credentials at QB? Yes. Objectively, I'll say that UW's QB coaches are better than Reeves. Also, Heaps has developed a decent relation with Doug, so that should be interesting.

Lastly, UW does have talent, but it is extremely raw because it was completely undeveloped by the previous staff. Worst of all the units by far was the offensive line. They were slow, overweight, and raw. Talk about disaster. This is the only unit without much talent at all. The others such as TE have decent-great talent. Kavario Middleton was a 5 star TE (think of this year's Xavier Grimble) and showed great receiving abilities..., until he got injured. At WR, UW has 3 4 star recievers and a Pac Honorable Mention WR in D Andrew Goodwin. If I went on, it would take ages, but the point is that other than the Offensive line, UW has talent. If the revamped staff can develop it, then the team would quickly rise again.

And just for clarity, if Heaps were to commit, he would essentially redshirt ONE (not 2) year (Locker's RS Senior year) to learn the playbook and get some coaching before he starts. It's actually ideal in terms of a the depth chart.

Again, all of this is not to show whether UW is > than UT, but the general perception of UW as nothing other than a home school is wrong.
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I'm not sure how there is this perception that UW is a school that is only in the count because of the home school factor.

First of all, UW DOES have a winning tradition. I'm not sure where you got that. Even after the worst 5 year drought in the Willingham era, UW still has a top 20 winning %. In a recent ESPN Prestige ranking (essentially tradition), UW, even after the worst 5 years ever, was ranked #17. U Tenn was #12. Does U Tenn have more tradition? Yes, but to say the margin is light years is totally false. Furthermore, in the past, UW and UCLA have been traditionally the schools that challenged USC for the top spot. Until recent years, that has been the norm.

As for producing NFL QBs, I'm also not sure where you guys got your information. In two Sporting News articles on QB U, one ranked UW at #4 and the other ranked it at #15. While #4 seems a bit high for one of them, top 10 is legit when every UW QB has at some point played in the pros. Yes, every QB since the Warren Moon (HOF) to even Isiah Stanback (4th rounder on Cowboys), who is considered a weaker QB from UW, has played in the pros. Right before UW fell in obscurity in 2000, they had the most QBs in the NFL (6). Remember, the point in this paragraph, like before, is not whether UW or Tennesse is better at producing QB, but rather that UW is a solid QB NFL factory. It's true that the UW hasn't produced a top QB in the NFL since Mark Bruenell in the 90s, but their productivity in the NFL depends on pro coaching. The school just has to get the player in, which the UW has done without any breaks since the 70s. Even right now, the streak will likely continue if Jake Locker can get his passing % to even 55%, which is very plausible since Locker has shown great improvement over Spring (16/18 passes. I don't care if it's against weak defense. 16/18 is impressive and is a improvement from before.)

Speaking of which, the Huskies hired two top of the line QB coaches in Sark (one of the 2 areas that I'm confident in Sark) and Doug Nuissmeir. Sark deserves 100% of the credit for Mark Sanchez and John David Booty. He deserves at least 50% of the credit for Matt Leinart because the QB coaches works with the QB more than the OC and I know because Doug currently is working more with Locker than Sark is. Carson Palmer is hard to tell since Sark just arrived on the scene during his junior year. Hard to tell. Doug was known to have coached a kid at Michigan State (don't know the Big 10 well) who threw over 4000 yards. Credentials at QB? Yes. Objectively, I'll say that UW's QB coaches are better than Reeves. Also, Heaps has developed a decent relation with Doug, so that should be interesting.

Lastly, UW does have talent, but it is extremely raw because it was completely undeveloped by the previous staff. Worst of all the units by far was the offensive line. They were slow, overweight, and raw. Talk about disaster. This is the only unit without much talent at all. The others such as TE have decent-great talent. Kavario Middleton was a 5 star TE (think of this year's Xavier Grimble) and showed great receiving abilities..., until he got injured. At WR, UW has 3 4 star recievers and a Pac Honorable Mention WR in D Andrew Goodwin. If I went on, it would take ages, but the point is that other than the Offensive line, UW has talent. If the revamped staff can develop it, then the team would quickly rise again.

Again, all of this is not to show whether UW is > than UT, but the general perception of UW as nothing other than a home school is wrong.

Dude, I don't know where you got all of those stats from, but they don't pass the eyeball test so i'm not going to bother to fact check it. Simple fact of the matter is that UW is irrelevant outside of washington. Jake, like everyone outside of the state knows this, because his career is on the line...he wants to not only go to the nfl, but be successful in the nfl and uw doesn't give him a very good chances of that. it's between byu and ut...just be happy you had a great player come from the state. you made him strong...we'll make him nfl strong!
Huskie homer... wow, just when the off season was starting to get boring.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing us the entertainment this guy is certain to offer.

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