Bruce Pearl got a 3-yr show cause within weeks of his firing, whereas Donnie Tyndall got a 10-yr show cause over a year after his firing. Doesn't seem right.
When Don DeVoe was fired in 1989 so Wade Houston could be hired and bring his son, Allan, on board, it took 17 yrs for UT bb to recover and become relevant again under CBP. With the firing of CDT it is gonna take at least 10+ yrs to restore our bb team to relevancy again. If Hart had stayed supportive of Donnie like he promised he would, more than likely we would have a coach, that can actually teach and relate to young people and the penalty would be equal to what Jim Boeheim received.
Donnie can recruit legally, like he always has since there is no proof that he has done so otherwise, and we would have a roster of topnotch 3*'s like Admiral and Shembari to go with 4* types similar to Chris Clarke and Romello White. He probably would have some 5*'s as well.
Note: I'm re-engaging some of those who I put on ignore as long as you will discuss the subject and not make it about personalities. Never did I put Calban or Ed Yeary on ignore. I didn't put stoerner's fumble on there, either, but I should have! For the time being, I'm gonna leave him on my acceptable list, but he has some very irritating commentary which I don't know if I can put up with much longer. Maybe he will become a little less abrasive. Some could care less if I ever debate back and forth again. Fine with me!
And, on another subject, it makes me no difference who anyone votes for in the Presidential election. That is their business and a person doesn't have to vote at all if they don't care to. It's a part of living in a free society! For me, there is no one running that I am all enamored with!