On April 10th the NCAA COI ruled that Tyndall was guilty of academic fraud and gave him a 10-year show-cause. I failed to realize that the appellate process was still available and I am still waiting to see how the committee appointed to hear the appeal will or has ruled. Also, if the committee upholds the COI ruling then there is still the federal court system. Also, I don't believe that any fair judge or jury would, with true conscience, convict anyone on the word of a proven liar, especially if that liar had been promised immunity to lie!
I don't know where all that crap about Morehead St came from. I'd like to see a link to verify everything that was said there. The only thing that I am aware of at Morehead was the booster buying a plane ticket for the parent of a bb player to attend a postseason tournament, and she paid the booster back. To my knowledge, the booster did not ok his action with Morehead, but bc he was close to the coaching staff, the NCAA gave the school a class 3 infraction and penalized them one scholarship. Tyndall was given NO PENALTY!
I can keep asking this question but I know that there is no one here who has the foggiest idea where in the NOA there is conclusive proof that Tyndall knew anything about the academic fraud at S Miss. It may seem as though the events that occurred in November 2014 look suspicious. Does someone have a tape of any of the calls that were made during that time? Does anyone have a provable document that shows what was said in any of the text messages? I believe that all of you will say "no" to both of those questions.
Personal mail, whether it be through the U. S. Post Office or electronically sent, is private, unless it is to cause felonious results. This is why there is a Dept. of Homeland Security. I defend CDT's right to delete anything that he considers personal just like I would for anyone else on this website.
The main reason so many of you are butt-hurt is bc we did not have an above .500 record and missed the postseason for the first time in almost a decade. You also probably thought Kevin Durant was gonna be our new starting man in the middle. Never gonna happen!
The coach we had in 2014-2015 inspired a last minute "put together" squad to give our team 3 come from behind wins that were as exciting as the last 2 in fb against FL and GA.