'12 TN RB Jovon Robinson

In my opinion, Robinson is a better back than Cross. As LV said, Cross may have a significantly better year this year than last due to fully recovering from an injury, but until it happens, Robinson is the better back.

I look for Mathers to go out of state, based on what I have been hearing, so I tend to look for us to aggressively pursue Robinson and Kimbrow. I believe we really do not want to use more than two scholarships on RB's, but will go strongly after Robinson and Kimbrow anyway.

Cross was wavering on his commitment just a few weeks ago. If we can get commitments from both Robinson and Kimbro, Cross may solve the lack of scholarships for RB's himself by finding a new home. If not, we will make it work out by using one or more of them at another position after we get them here and have a chance to get extended up close evaluations of what they can and cannot do.

In my opinion, Robinson is a better back than Cross. As LV said, Cross may have a significantly better year this year than last due to fully recovering from an injury, but until it happens, Robinson is the better back.

I look for Mathers to go out of state, based on what I have been hearing, so I tend to look for us to aggressively pursue Robinson and Kimbrow. I believe we really do not want to use more than two scholarships on RB's, but will go strongly after Robinson and Kimbrow anyway.

Cross was wavering on his commitment just a few weeks ago. If we can get commitments from both Robinson and Kimbro, Cross may solve the lack of scholarships for RB's himself by finding a new home. If not, we will make it work out by using one or more of them at another position after we get them here and have a chance to get extended up close evaluations of what they can and cannot do.


JMO but I think we win with any combo we get from out of these three RB's. The thing is Cross would have to back out of his commitment because from what I have seen once CDD gives a scholly he don't take it back.
JMO but I think we win with any combo we get from out of these three RB's. The thing is Cross would have to back out of his commitment because from what I have seen once CDD gives a scholly he don't take it back.

we politely told two commitments to look around last year
JMO but I think we win with any combo we get from out of these three RB's. The thing is Cross would have to back out of his commitment because from what I have seen once CDD gives a scholly he don't take it back.

if our coaches don't want a player later in the recruiting cycle they better drop him. jmo.
if our coaches don't want a player later in the recruiting cycle they better drop him. jmo.

But if they didn't want him why did they offer him in the first place? I just haven't seen this coaching staff drop anyone once they offer unless they don't qualify or get into trouble.
But if they didn't want him why did they offer him in the first place? I just haven't seen this coaching staff drop anyone once they offer unless they don't qualify or get into trouble.

Juda Parker? It happens and is better to happen early
But if they didn't want him why did they offer him in the first place? I just haven't seen this coaching staff drop anyone once they offer unless they don't qualify or get into trouble.

I'm not saying they will, but I think they should if a better player comes along.
I think the situation will take care of itself....if Robinson and Kimbrow commit, Cross will be headed elsewhere...he'll see the writing on the wall
Juda Parker? It happens and is better to happen early

I agree that we should take the better player no doubt. Just don't see CDD pulling Cross's scholly. JMO. Did Parker commit? I think its the getting older thing. Can't remember. lol
I agree that we should take the better player no doubt. Just don't see CDD pulling Cross's scholly. JMO. Did Parker commit? I think its the getting older thing. Can't remember. lol

Yes, Juda was committed. Same with Andrew Power, JUCO TE. Both were committed early, better players wanted to be Vols, so they were asked to look around. Bottom line is CDD will take the best players even if he has to turn someone away. At least CDD did it early enough in the process that the kids could find a better situation. It's the nature of the business.
Wasn't Cross like one of the top RB recruits before his injury? Again, going by memory which can be dangerous for me, but I think I remember reading that top colleges were all over him until he hurt his knee. Now the question from what I understand is will he back to full form.
I would think if the staff was looking for a reason to cut Cross loose they would have done it when he was rethinking his commitment. Instead they talked to him and he said he was solid. Everyone is always looking for a reason to drop the guy who chose to be a Vol for the guy they HOPE may be ranked a little higher and keeps us in his top 30. Recruiting like that while some think it is the norm and acceptable can also come back to bite you. I for one am glad we cut a couple loose last year to make room for Wright and Dawson....oh wait....:popcorn:
Maybe its dumb on my part but I would be ok cutting a guy from out of state in trade for an instate kid with equal or superior talent....
Maybe its dumb on my part but I would be ok cutting a guy from out of state in trade for an instate kid with equal or superior talent....

Seeing as Tennessee gets 95% of their roster from out of state....that may not be a good idea. Worst thing they could do is to become a team that is known for accepting offers from these kids only to kick them aside. Just because a kid is ranked #41 at his position does not mean we should dump him if #40 shows a little interest. A kid should not be penalized for chosing to be a VOL now rather than playing the recruiting game. If the staff takes his commitment, he should have a place at the table. JMO
after watching both guys films, they seem fairly similar. I'd be fine with either one.

I hope we get both. Cross, Robinson, Kimbrow and 1 more RB IMO. Let them come in and compete and maybe move someone later if they're a better fit at another position. JMO
I hope we get both. Cross, Robinson, Kimbrow and 1 more RB IMO. Let them come in and compete and maybe move someone later if they're a better fit at another position. JMO

There is no way we take 4 RB in this class. Just too many other needs and too few spots. We are fine at RB especially if we pull Cross and Kimbrow
I agree that we should take the better player no doubt. Just don't see CDD pulling Cross's scholly. JMO. Did Parker commit? I think its the getting older thing. Can't remember. lol

Yes Parker committed. So did Andrew Power. It happens all the time where a committed player and the staff part ways. They are simply told to look around. I doubt they will do that with Cross, but if better RB prospects want to be Vols the situation will work itself out. Tennessee isn't going to tell an elite running back "no".

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