'12 TN RB Jovon Robinson

Give me Cross, Kimbrow, and Robinson. I don't know why people are talking about pulling Cross' scholarship. They are three different backs. However, if it came down to it, and you had to chose one between Robinson, Cross, and Mathers I'd say Robinson > Cross > Mathers
Cross = LB

Maybe, and Kimbrow could KR and play RB. They also said he was a good DB. I could see Kimbrow playing some RB and returning kicks, since we still need a return game. So I think we can take 3 or 4 RB's because they may not be exclusively RB's.
Seeing as Tennessee gets 95% of their roster from out of state....that may not be a good idea. Worst thing they could do is to become a team that is known for accepting offers from these kids only to kick them aside. Just because a kid is ranked #41 at his position does not mean we should dump him if #40 shows a little interest. A kid should not be penalized for chosing to be a VOL now rather than playing the recruiting game. If the staff takes his commitment, he should have a place at the table. JMO

Yeah I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a scholly, just if it comes down to it I feel like he would get cold feet if we take some other competition.....he has already questioned his committment!

I feel like this year TN has a larger pool of talent than it has had in awhile....why not take advantage of it, especially when some of the players look to be and according to the "experts" are better options than looking out of state?
I think there is a better chance Cross would play H-Back / Fullback compared to Linebacker, but you never know. Obviously they need linebackers in the most desperate way.

But I agree. The two running backs I want above all others are Kimbrow and Robinson. After those two there is a significant dropoff IMO.
IMO there is no way you turn down Robinson. I say we end up with Kimbrow, Robinson, and Cross. Cross will be the next Fugate and Robinson will be your everydown back with Kimbrow as the change of pace guy
I think there is a better chance Cross would play H-Back / Fullback compared to Linebacker, but you never know. Obviously they need linebackers in the most desperate way.

But I agree. The two running backs I want above all others are Kimbrow and Robinson. After those two there is a significant dropoff IMO.

Makes sense. I saw something with Wilcox, or maybe Sirmon, talking about how much more difficult it is to transition to college linebacker from high school running back than people realize. I think he used Vereen as an example.

Does Cross already play linebacker?
completely disagree with this.

Cross is a very good LB and that's the position some schools (such as GT) were recruiting him at.

Did we get him because we promised RB (i.e. would he or would he not be open to a position change)?
We aren't recruiting Cross to play linebacker. Who knows if he ends up there with a crowded depth chart, but it isn't the plan that's being laid out for him.
So what do you think guys, what will CDD do if Kimbro and Robinson want to come to UT along with Cross. Will he encourage Cross to look elsewhere or take all three?
So what do you think guys, what will CDD do if Kimbro and Robinson want to come to UT along with Cross. Will he encourage Cross to look elsewhere or take all three?

If it was me id get Cross to look elsewhere. But I'm not really sure what our staff would do, seeing that RB won't be the biggest of needs in this class, especially if we already have 2 (Robinson and Kimbrow)
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We aren't recruiting Cross to play linebacker. Who knows if he ends up there with a crowded depth chart, but it isn't the plan that's being laid out for him.

just so we are clear, i did not say he would be a LB. i just said he has a much better chance of being a LB than a H-Back.
So what do you think guys, what will CDD do if Kimbro and Robinson want to come to UT along with Cross. Will he encourage Cross to look elsewhere or take all three?

take all 3. we want better depth there and Cross is a very good LB so he could always move if it doesn't work out at RB.

having said that, i don't think we would get all 3. i do think Cross would look elsewhere, but it wouldn't be because we turned him away.

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