13' GA S Vonn Bell (Ohio State signee)

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These youngsters today! With their Rock and Roll and their 8 Track tapes!!! Hell in a hand basket. That's where we're headed!
Dear Vonn,

Look at this crappy weather. it seems a lot like Ohio on any given winter day. There is a reason people don't go north to retire.

That is all.

Seriously though, the weather may force the recruits to show up a little later in the evening. That would allow them to stay later on Sunday.
haha what dude


You must be young. Back in us old farts day, the thought was, the world was going to hell in a hand basket because we listened to rock and roll on our 8 track tapes. Apparently today it is because kids play video games.

Was referencing the whirl wind of emotions over a young man playing video games during a visit by our staff. Too much made out of nothing.

You must be young. Back in us old farts day, the thought was, the world was going to hell in a hand basket because we listened to rock and roll on our 8 track tapes. Apparently today it is because kids play video games.

Was referencing the whirl wind of emotions over a young man playing video games during a visit by our staff. Too much made out of nothing.

i got you, i knew what you were talking about, just thought you were serious

You must be young. Back in us old farts day, the thought was, the world was going to hell in a hand basket because we listened to rock and roll on our 8 track tapes. Apparently today it is because kids play video games.

Was referencing the whirl wind of emotions over a young man playing video games during a visit by our staff. Too much made out of nothing.

I knew exactly where you were coming from and got a nice little chuckle. Kids have changed. My generation sat at the kitchen table and played Monopoly with parents for bonding time. This generation is different. And IMO it's the adults job to adjust to times. I'll take an hour or two to play COD with my son a couple times weekly. And I can tell it means something to him. Just like I used to love playing board games with my parents.

So IMO, I'd be willing to bet VB thought it was COOL AS HELL that one of our coaches sat down and played the game with him. While at the same time allowing CBJ alone time to tug on the hearts of VB's parents. I'm not sure how someone couldn't see this as a POSITIVE. JMO
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I knew exactly where you were coming from and got a nice little chuckle. Kids have changed. My generation sat at the kitchen table and played Monopoly with parents for bonding time. This generation is different. And IMO it's the adults job to adjust to times. I'll take an hour or two to play COD with my son a couple times weekly. And I can tell it means something to him. Just like I used to love playing board games with my parents.

So IMO, I'd be willing to bet VB thought it was COOL AS HELL that one of our coaches sat down and played the game with him. While at the same time allowing CBJ alone time to tug on the hearts of VB's parents. I'm not sure how someone couldn't see this as a POSITIVE. JMO

Thanks RR. That gives me something to look forward too.
I got a three year old and I'm watching wiggles and playing with play-doh.

The worst part is I think I hate play-doh more.
Dear Vonn,

Look at this crappy weather. it seems a lot like Ohio on any given winter day. There is a reason people don't go north to retire.

That is all.

Seriously though, the weather may force the recruits to show up a little later in the evening. That would allow them to stay later on Sunday.

Careful refering to weather. It is better weather in Bama than here! HA!
I knew exactly where you were coming from and got a nice little chuckle. Kids have changed. My generation sat at the kitchen table and played Monopoly with parents for bonding time. This generation is different. And IMO it's the adults job to adjust to times. I'll take an hour or two to play COD with my son a couple times weekly. And I can tell it means something to him. Just like I used to love playing board games with my parents.

So IMO, I'd be willing to bet VB thought it was COOL AS HELL that one of our coaches sat down and played the game with him. While at the same time allowing CBJ alone time to tug on the hearts of VN's parents. I'm not sure how someone couldn't see this as a POSITIVE. JMO

I agree with you 100%. I'm 48 yrs old and play video games when I get a chance. While my kids were growing up I played video games with them and Listened to whatever the current music was at the time. In return, they listened to my music and spent family time playing card and board games. They are fans of classic rock and board games to this day and even though they are grown and gone, I still try to keep up with modern music and games.
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Thanks RR. That gives me something to look forward too.
I got a three year old and I'm watching wiggles and playing with play-doh.

The worst part is I think I hate play-doh more.

I have three kids. 25, 22 and 2. I'm going through the watching wiggles stage now too. Looking forward to seeing what kids are up to when the youngest gets older.
Thanks RR. That gives me something to look forward too.
I got a three year old and I'm watching wiggles and playing with play-doh.

The worst part is I think I hate play-doh more.

I'd take play doh over Tellatubbies any day. My oldest used to watch that crap and it was way freaky. Made me feel like I was being brainwashed by some acid tripping secret society devil cult or something. I don't think that show is on anymore...hope not.
I knew exactly where you were coming from and got a nice little chuckle. Kids have changed. My generation sat at the kitchen table and played Monopoly with parents for bonding time. This generation is different. And IMO it's the adults job to adjust to times. I'll take an hour or two to play COD with my son a couple times weekly. And I can tell it means something to him. Just like I used to love playing board games with my parents.

So IMO, I'd be willing to bet VB thought it was COOL AS HELL that one of our coaches sat down and played the game with him. While at the same time allowing CBJ alone time to tug on the hearts of VB's parents. I'm not sure how someone couldn't see this as a POSITIVE. JMO

It means something to mine too, especially when I start throwing stuff at the TV screaming "cheaters"!
I agree with you 100%. I'm 48 yrs old and play video games when I get a chance. While my kids were growing up I played video games with them and Listened to whatever the current music was at the time. In return, they listened to my music and spent family time playing card and board games. They are fans of classic rock and board games to this day and even though they are grown and gone, I still try to keep up with modern music and games.

About the same age as you and I've got a 13 yo. He listens to all my faves of back in the day too. He will listen to some of that rap which I detest but I am sure my parents didn't care for Skinard and such either. My dad always asked me why you needed more than one speaker. Times change.
About the same age as you and I've got a 13 yo. He listens to all my faves of back in the day too. He will listen to some of that rap which I detest but I am sure my parents didn't care for Skinard and such either. My dad always asked me why you needed more than one speaker. Times change.

Both you and BB are doing it right IMO, and I have 10+ years on both of you. Stay involved and join in with the kids world. Then later when they have kids it all stays tied together. The wife and I stepped it up into the i-pads, smartphones, related games and social networking. I have always loved different music genres. Not much for rap either, but good with some of the cleaner hip hop. Enjoy a lot of the alternative.

As a result we are accepted by all ages and are more trusted when we give advice. Can be a positive unfluence without being considered uncool.

And to keep the post legal I sincerely hope Vonn is all Vol. That guy is special and needs to be starting in our secondary ASAP.
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Both you and BB are doing it right IMO, and I have 10+ years on both of you. Stay involved and join in with the kids world. Then later when they have kids it all stays tied together. The wife and I stepped it up into the i-pads, smartphones, related games and social networking. I have always loved different music genres. Not much for rap either, but good with some of the cleaner hip hop. Enjoy a lot of the alternative.

As a result we are accepted by all ages and are more trusted when we give advice. Can be a positive unfluence without being considered uncool.

And to keep the post legal I sincerely hope Vonn is all Vol. That guy is special and needs to be starting in our secondary ASAP.

I don't know if you know much about xbox but you can go on line and play with others around the world. Also, you can wear a headset and form a party with friends. I was honored when my son asked me to don the headset and join the convo with his friends. He kicks my butt though as I can't even see the bad guys. He'll say "didn't you see that guy" and I'll say "uh no!". Oh to have them young eyes and reflexes again.
Both you and BB are doing it right IMO, and I have 10+ years on both of you. Stay involved and join in with the kids world. Then later when they have kids it all stays tied together. The wife and I stepped it up into the i-pads, smartphones, related games and social networking. I have always loved different music genres. Not much for rap either, but good with some of the cleaner hip hop. Enjoy a lot of the alternative.

As a result we are accepted by all ages and are more trusted when we give advice. Can be a positive unfluence without being considered uncool.

And to keep the post legal I sincerely hope Vonn is all Vol. That guy is special and needs to be starting in our secondary ASAP.

Real rap was in the 90's. This new 2000's version of "rap" is pathetic B.S. a bunch of mainstream clowns ranting about how much diamonds, gold teeth, and guns they have. They present an image of being "hard", then turn right around and talk about their yacht and mansion. Doesn't add up to me. Are you tough and rough, or do you live in Bell Aire? There used to be a true art form to it. Now just a bunch of jumping around and yelling this and that. Very few TRULY SKILLED rappers on the market now days, JMO.
I'd take play doh over Tellatubbies any day. My oldest used to watch that crap and it was way freaky. Made me feel like I was being brainwashed by some acid tripping secret society devil cult or something. I don't think that show is on anymore...hope not.


No tubbies here. I'm with ya....freaks me out. On the plus side my son loves watching the three stooges with me on saturday morn. Boss aint too thrilled with that one.

Sorry folks. Back to Vonn.

We lookin at 50/50 now?
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