13' GA S Vonn Bell (Ohio State signee)

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Just moved from Soddy to Ooltewah a few years ago. Dayton is a great place with great people. You will enjoy it.

Give me a shout when you're over this way and I'll buy you lunch to welcome you to the area. :hi:

No wonder I like the way you think. You're one of us. :)
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Any word how his visit has gone today? We missed on Green and I believe we will be alright with that but I would really like to have this kid on board with us.
The defeatism is strong on volnation today

Ha. Reading this thread, I'd say its not defeatism. More just accepting the reality of where we are with Bell.

My call on Vonn Bell is Bama. Seems like that's where the momentum has been for a long time. Nothing against our staff - I think they are doing a fine job of making this hard for him. Still, this one feels like Green to me. All signs have been pointing to Bama and I see no reason to ignore them.

I believe Lawson is our best shot for a 5 star, and what a pick up he would be. That one is too close to call IMO.
Vonn asked an ex-Central coach to be at signing day Feb 6th at Ridgeland, and the coach is a big Tennessee fan. Hope this is good sign.

For a first post.............. I'm impressed.

Surely you wouldn't jump in without some good info.

....WELCOME TO VN!!!!!!!!!!!
I`ve known Vonn for around 6 years had him at Central for two years, He is a very good young man and will do what is best for him not just football. The Central coach was his DC at Central and they stay in contact all the time and ask for advice all the time.
Awesome, you'd think that may be a little slap in the face of his old coach if he chooses Bama. I suspect said coach will be happy for him either way though.
I`ve known Vonn for around 6 years had him at Central for two years, He is a very good young man and will do what is best for him not just football. The Central coach was his DC at Central and they stay in contact all the time and ask for advice all the time.

Nice to have Vol fans as mentors! :good!:
I`ve known Vonn for around 6 years had him at Central for two years, He is a very good young man and will do what is best for him not just football. The Central coach was his DC at Central and they stay in contact all the time and ask for advice all the time.

Did he just ask him because that would be a big clue or did he before the visit.
Vonn asked an ex-Central coach to be at signing day Feb 6th at Ridgeland, and the coach is a big Tennessee fan. Hope this is good sign.

If your a troll good job you got me. It not that sounds like good news

This is JUST a JOKE............. but someone with 7 posts calling someone with 1 post a Troll is funny.

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Vonn asked an ex-Central coach to be at signing day Feb 6th at Ridgeland, and the coach is a big Tennessee fan. Hope this is good sign.

Good first post. Okay young padawan, here is the run down....TOS means The Other Site, Negavol is anyone who is pissy or disagrees with the OP or basically says anything that is remotely negative, once you have reached negavol status you are dangerously close to not being a VFL...tread lightly. Don't post any comments in a thread that says "links only"...seriously...don't do it...you will get ignored and then blasted and then taken out back and flogged. "Smokescreen" is a popular phrase and inside joke stemming from the "Gruden era" (urrr...error rather) which refers to a rumor being true based on all the diversions and false information posted only to keep the Vols guessing before the truth (which is a major BOOM) is ultimately revealed. Major BOOM or Boom or booms or anything related to booming is the ultimate whoot, hooray...yippee, yahoo...you get it. It is spelled Kiffin not Kiffen (but really there is no longer a need to talk about that douche). It is okay to write CBJ (Coach Butch Jones) but not okay to write Coach BJ (need I explain? ). That is all for now. Go forth and prosper!
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