13' GA S Vonn Bell (Ohio State signee)

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As I posted earlier we heard from one of our best insiders last week that Bell would not be a part of the UA class.

Congrats on the pickup.:hi:

As excited as I am about hearing this, I'm gonna wait for more confirmation before i fully believe this. This is giving me jitters though!
As I posted earlier we heard from one of our best insiders last week that Bell would not be a part of the UA class.

Congrats on the pickup.:hi:

Thank you TW. Like I said before, you've got class. I guess I'll go ahead and congratulate you for getting the #1 class in the nation for about the 5th year in a row. Hopefully we keep pulling talent like Bell and get back to a fierce rivalry once again.
Bell's going to be great in the defense playing behind Lamar Dawson and Gabe Wright!


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Fantastic catch for the vols.
can't wait to see vonn ring some bells on the field!
Go vols!!!!
And vb we love you man!
I wasn't trying to start an issue. I'm sure you were confirming like the rest of us.

I did not take it that way. Actually was away from the computer. Little one woke up and had to lay down with her. I will check the UA boards but most of the talk today has been about Conner and Jackson. Which makes sense with Bell to UT.
I did not take it that way. Actually was away from the computer. Little one woke up and had to lay down with her. I will check the UA boards but most of the talk today has been about Conner and Jackson. Which makes sense with Bell to UT.

I was checking other UA sites and looks like Conner to UA.

I remember when they started a thread here for Connor, dude looked just huge and a beast at S.
how are they doing these days? i never hear there names......

If I'm not mistaken Dawson is in the USC 2-deep and GW played some last year (not sure how much he did this year but as bad as they were you'd have to think at least a decent bit...ask VOP).
Not trying to be a negavol, I'm all for optimism. But I'm not getting too excited until pen hits paper or Vonn announces something. I do hope Skeeters right though.
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