13' GA S Vonn Bell (Ohio State signee)

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its not irrelavent,
i dont care what the hell you call it, UT['s former staffs, that are no longer here] ha[ve] manage to bungle several things over the past few years[;] recruiting is a big part of that.
My point is this kid is really wanted y OSU and BAMA[. Our previous staffs, that are no longer here,] like i said whatever you want to call it have not been good going against these 2 coaches. That is factual [now that it's been changed to accurately reflect the people involved, who are no longer here].
So back to my point I am not confident we get this kid till I see his fax come across UTSPORTS.com

I took some liberties with your post.:hi: We may or may not get the recruits we want. It will have less to do with previous "luck" and more to do with the efforts of our current staff.

its not irrelavent,
i dont care what the hell you call it, UT has manage to bungle several things over the past few years, recruiting is a big part of that.
My point is this kid is really wanted my OSU and BAMA our odds/luck like i said whatever you want to call it have not been good going against these 2 coaches. That is factual.
So back to my point I am not confident we get this kid till I see his fax come across UTSPORTS.com

I understand the skepticism but I believe Bell would have already committed to those schools if that was the pick.
its not irrelavent,
i dont care what the hell you call it, UT has manage to bungle several things over the past few years, recruiting is a big part of that.
My point is this kid is really wanted my OSU and BAMA our odds/luck like i said whatever you want to call it have not been good going against these 2 coaches. That is factual.
So back to my point I am not confident we get this kid till I see his fax come across UTSPORTS.com

Why so bitter Rod? VFL remember.....
If bell and north are working on lawson why dont bell and north come out and commit.

It is actually, Bell, Carr, and Harris that Skeeter reported. The quote above included North instead of Harris. Of coarse, Harris and Carr are committed, but Bell is not publically committed.
No they want to wait to have their big announcement but behind the scenes they could be recruiting for UT.
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