Mixon needs to be in jail instead of on a football field! Just awful to do a woman that way.JMO
Question I have about the Paulk situation. From what had been said recently I thought people were saying the victim recently decided to not press charges and that is why he should be allowed back. Looking at the news stories when it happened in Sept, the victim said in the police report she was not going to press charges or file for an OOP. It did state she had visable injuries. It was known she wasn't pressing charges before he was dismissed.
So what's changed? Is it just time?
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.
Also, With the Ray Rice incident occurring a few weeks before Butch didn't have a choice in the matter.
Do I think Hitting women is right? Absolutely not. However, I do believe in giving people a second chance.
So you feel it is just a time thing. Some time has passed so maybe let him back.
I don't think there is any question of guilt. She was not pressing charges. It was not going to court/trial. If he were not guilty, why dismiss him? If he were innocent, IMO he should have been reinstated immediately. He wasn't.
I think a person can get a second chance. If he punched the woman, it shouldn't be at UT.
He is "Not Guilty", It never went to court. Yes, He hit her but no charges was sought after. He was dismissed instead of indefinitely suspended due to the Ray Rice incident.
IMO, I wouldn't enroll for a spring semester at a school I couldn't continue my career at.
When I used the term guilty I was speaking more of CBJ having to look at the situation and render a verdict himself as it wasn't going to court.
I wonder where punching a woman in the face sits on the recruiting profile? I guess we'll know soon enough.
Question I have about the Paulk situation. From what had been said recently I thought people were saying the victim recently decided to not press charges and that is why he should be allowed back. Looking at the news stories when it happened in Sept, the victim said in the police report she was not going to press charges or file for an OOP. It did state she had visable injuries. It was known she wasn't pressing charges before he was dismissed.
So what's changed? Is it just time?
Given the nature of the allegations it is in the best interest of both parties to go their separate ways. Treyvon will transfer after spring semester. imo
Allegations are just that. If the girl never pressed charges then in the eyes of the law he never committed any wrongdoing. She can say whatever she wants but until she follows through with anything then it's like it never happened.
Do you think Butch takes his lead from the legal process? AJ Johnson. Michael Williams. What a ridiculous comment to say that if formal legal charges aren't filed it's "like it never happened."