And if he doesn't?
Sky falling?
I'm going to go on record and say that IF he flips on Wednesday (and I think he will) then it is a absolute huge blow to this class. If I had to pick between getting this guy or Adoree Jackson I'd choose Lambert. He's probably the most important piece to this class in regards to having immediate success next year. Things like this happen every year to pretty much every team but this one really sucks. I especially hate the fact that it's Auburn too. Words can't describe how much I hate Auburn. Not because of this but there's just something sketchy about that program. I mean are we really supposed to be led to believe that they didn't pay Cam Newton? /Rant.
This is crazy! A couple of weeks ago when I said this guy was Auburn bound I was called stupid and a troll Lol! Now it's a real possibility and you guys are freaking out. I'm over it and have came to grips that he is War Eagle just glad we don't have to play them, unless they make it back to the SEC championship game to play us in the next couple years.
Not at all. One thing at a time with these kids on here though. Step 1, don't freak out prematurely. If he does choose another school, continue not to freak out and move on.
Sky doesn't fall when recruits pick other schools, that is going to happen when you're recruiting top prospects. It's part of the game and some fans just can't handle it. I suggest those fans not follow recruiting, they should just check the commitment list after NSD, IMO.
I haven't called him a liar. Only saying he is if reports are true.
The only thing that matters to me is what he is telling our coaches.
Reports are he flipped to auburn 2 weeks ago and their coaches told him to keep it quiet.
Reports are our coaches still think he is signing with us.
If both reports are correct he is a kid lacking of character and a flat out liar
He has posted a picture of his UT diploma so we know he graduated from UT, doesn't necessarily make him a Vol fan though.
His mantra in this is that you're either 100% a Vol or not. If not, then he thinks you should go on. I guess he expects Lambert to post and give quotes to recruiting sites that he's 100% VFL etc. etc. Hell... I do to, but I understand that everyone is different and circumstances sometimes change.
I hope Lambert is a Vol on Wednesday but if not, I highly doubt it has anything to do with Matt Watson.
SIAP, but I was just pondering why there is no Crystal Ball prediction on 247 for him to flip? Now I take the CB predictions with a huge grain of salt but wouldn't you think at least one of those guys would have predicted him to to Auburn in the last few days? Just thinking out loud.
WTF? This dude has been blowing up Devonte's twitter with negative bulls***. Why would anyone calling themselves a Vol fan do this? Other then pure stupidity of course. If anyone knows this dude smack him up side the head and tell him STFU on twitter.
Bottom line. We don't waste any time on guys that don't want to be Vols.