I would think that there would be a set of provisions that would allow for Recruits like Weatherd and others to be Grandfathered into based on old standards.
He was recruited under the old rules. Not sure what his GPA was when recruited, but if he was signed under the old rules and the University used a scholarship for him then an exception should allow him to attend school here under the previous requirements.
For example, raising a grade point average from 1.9 to 2.0 is easier to accomplish in a semester than raising a grade point average from 1.9 to 2.5. UT may not have recruited him or offered him a scholarship if they knew that he had to raise it .6 points.
Furthermore, If they graduate from an accredited JUCo then why the fuss if they meet all the core requirements and maintain a GPA that is acceptable.
Different environments produce different results and the Adjustments that a Student Athlete makes his first year in college is overwhelming. Mistakes are going to be made.
The NCAA penalizes them for going the JUCO route not always by their choice, but does nothing to ensure their success.
I don't think the NCAA can project the failure or success of an Athlete with a change of environment.
However if the rules dictate that a HS athlete go to JUCO then they owe it to that kid to ensure that he will make the next level of competition providing he is putting in the effort to do so versus throwing him into the water and stating "sink or swim" because I not throwing you a life vest and if you swim I might make you tread water for a while, Sorry.
Just another example of how the NCAA programs student athletes for failure versus protecting them.
They don't fix problems they create them.