'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

From a poster in VQ...TIFWIW

"we are gaining ground on Mosley

at the softball tournament today coach Comer said we are tied with Bama....he likes UT a lot. said he asked for a sign the other day where he needed to go and when he opened his eyes from praying a car pulled up with a power T flag. told a reporter this week he has two number ones"

God loves the power T
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"said he asked for a sign the other day where he needed to go and when he opened his eyes from praying a car pulled up with a power T flag. told a reporter this week he has two number ones"

I thought only Urban Meyer showed up in creepy sign-from-God dreams/messages. :dunno:
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Charles Mosley would be a huge pickup for the Vols, I feel good about UT's chances we seem to be gaining ground with bama. Go get em Coach Jones and staff!
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From a poster in VQ...TIFWIW

"we are gaining ground on Mosley

at the softball tournament today coach Comer said we are tied with Bama....he likes UT a lot. said he asked for a sign the other day where he needed to go and when he opened his eyes from praying a car pulled up with a power T flag. told a reporter this week he has two number ones"

Was told weeks ago the expectation is he will not sign with Bama. Kelly jr speaks to him almost daily
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I wouldn't mind having this kid play OG instead of DT. Can u imagine having Mosley and Brown on the same side of the Oline. That has all confrence written all over it.
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Not to mention the whataburgers.

I got family that visit I'm convinced just for a number one with two pieces of cheese and grilled jalapenos...it's not because they like me!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I wouldn't mind having this kid play OG instead of DT. Can u imagine having Mosley and Brown on the same side of the Oline. That has all confrence written all over it.

I think if he comes in as an o-line candidate, he's headed to Tuscaloosa...we get him if he's determined to play defense...would love him as a guard though
Posted via VolNation Mobile
“My recruitment to Tennessee is going really well,” Mosley told InsideTennessee. “I like Tennessee a lot. Tennessee feels like home and since I’m from Tennessee it really is home. That is important to me.”

“Coach Stripling is my main recruiter,” he said. “We have a really good relationship. He came to see me as soon as he got hired there because he had heard a lot of good stuff about me and he loved my game. We talk all the time now and we are building a good relationship.”

“The facilities at Tennessee are amazing,” Mosley said. “I went to Alabama and everything there was huge, but then I went to Tennessee. The facilities there are just crazy. The indoor complex and the weight room are on another level. That is what I really like about Tennessee. The campus and the school are great too.”

“The main thing is I want to feel at home wherever I go,” Mosley said. “I have to feel like it is a place that I can be long term. You are there for four years so you have to feel comfortable. And it’s not just about football, but education too. I have to be able to get a good degree because I need to get a good job. It would be great if I can play at the next level, but I need to have something to fall back on.

“If my mom likes it then I am going to like it. That is really important to me. We have been to Ole Miss, Alabama and Tennessee together and she liked all of those places. If mom likes it then I like it.”

“Last year I played a lot of defense and I was mainly a run stopper,” he said. “I can fill the gaps, but I have dropped a lot of weight and I want to work on my pass rush. I have lost a lot of weight, I’m down to 346 from 368, which should help my pass rush. I’m going to work on offense too, probably at left and right tackle. I’ll be all over the field.”

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“My recruitment to Tennessee is going really well,” Mosley told InsideTennessee. “I like Tennessee a lot. Tennessee feels like home and since I’m from Tennessee it really is home. That is important to me.”

“Coach Stripling is my main recruiter,” he said. “We have a really good relationship. He came to see me as soon as he got hired there because he had heard a lot of good stuff about me and he loved my game. We talk all the time now and we are building a good relationship.”

“The facilities at Tennessee are amazing,” Mosley said. “I went to Alabama and everything there was huge, but then I went to Tennessee. The facilities there are just crazy. The indoor complex and the weight room are on another level. That is what I really like about Tennessee. The campus and the school are great too.”

“The main thing is I want to feel at home wherever I go,” Mosley said. “I have to feel like it is a place that I can be long term. You are there for four years so you have to feel comfortable. And it’s not just about football, but education too. I have to be able to get a good degree because I need to get a good job. It would be great if I can play at the next level, but I need to have something to fall back on.

“If my mom likes it then I am going to like it. That is really important to me. We have been to Ole Miss, Alabama and Tennessee together and she liked all of those places. If mom likes it then I like it.”

“Last year I played a lot of defense and I was mainly a run stopper,” he said. “I can fill the gaps, but I have dropped a lot of weight and I want to work on my pass rush. I have lost a lot of weight, I’m down to 346 from 368, which should help my pass rush. I’m going to work on offense too, probably at left and right tackle. I’ll be all over the field.”

Sounds like he might be leaning a little bit
Uh oh.. Did he just say that UT's facilities are on another level compared to bamas?? Nobody tell TW that..
Nicky didn't show him ALL the facilities, wasn't ready for the kid to commit just yet.


Which trailer didn't he show him? Was it the triple wide? Man the triple wide will blow him away that thing is sweet! :eek:lol:
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Ok guys/gals, how do we pull off a power MONTH for Big Charles and Wilson's moms, they are seeing saben stars we gotta re-direct them toward Butch?
Any sugestions?

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