'15 FL QB/WR/DB (anything he wants) Torrance Gibson

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So if another OT wants in, we give up on Richmond? That's logical.

I'm sorry, did I say that?

CBJ and staff took JJ and QD's commitments. That tells me that they feel they are in good enough hands with those two.

I don't see CBJ letting someone takes Richmonds place, unless 1.) Richmond goes elsewhere 2.) someone wants his spot that is equally as good.

Is that logical enough?
Why didn't his handler give him a ride here? Not a very good one since he didn't

I agree with this. It is a good point.

But, in a hypothetical world...If TG did have a handler, that didn't drive him here, that is only good news for us. That lets me know his handler knows the CBJ and UT aren't going to play those games.
I'm sorry, did I say that?

CBJ and staff took JJ and QD's commitments. That tells me that they feel they are in good enough hands with those two.

I don't see CBJ letting someone takes Richmonds place, unless 1.) Richmond goes elsewhere 2.) someone wants his spot that is equally as good.

Is that logical enough?

Psh. You just want him to go to Auburn.
I agree with this. It is a good point.

But, in a hypothetical world...If TG did have a handler, that didn't drive him here, that is only good news for us. That lets me know his handler knows the CBJ and UT aren't going to play those games.

Still not a good handler if you're going to let your cash cow hop in a car with 2 strangers and ride from Florida to Knoxville
Psh. You just want him to go to Auburn.

As stated before, UT is, was and will always be my number one.

But to directly answer your question, I want someone other than TG at QB for Auburn. A recruit that UT had little to no chance with from the beginning.
As stated before, UT is, was and will always be my number one.

I've mostly stayed away from this thread because of the mass confusion and chaos.

But I figure I'll drop by and give some knowledge and personal opinion regarding the recruitment of Torrance Gibson.

I have read the rumors on VN stating that several high profile, college football programs such as Ohio State, Auburn, & Tennessee have all completely backed off/quit recruiting FL prospect Torrance Gibson.

I cannot speak on behalf of Ohio State's football program, but I can say for certain that both Auburn & Tennessee have not backed off or quit recruiting Gibson, nor will they in the near future.

I'm not going to state anything concerning Gibson's recruitment in a definite or factual manner because that is ridiculous & premature. The fact is, no one knows at this point where Gibson will play college football or what position he will play at that college. It is great and even recommended to speculate or give personal opinions on these topics because this is an anonymous message board. However, spewing definite statements as if they are fact is a bit ridiculous, IMO. The majority of Head Coaches recruiting Gibson don't even know yet what position he best projects or where exactly he will end up. What they do know is Gibson is an elite athlete that will be a valuable weapon in college, no matter what position he ends up playing.

I am not an Auburn fan and don't have any connections to the program. However, one of my roommates is a huge Auburn fan with subscriptions to all their pay-sites. I occasionally browse the Auburn Rivals site and from what I've gathered they haven't came close to backing off T. Gibson. They are still actively recruiting him very hard and he absolutely would be a take at Auburn. That is directly from Auburn's moderators and analysts. TIFWIW.

I have had luxury during my high school football and college football careers to be coached, trained, and instructed by several current & former SEC & NFL football players. The majority of these former SEC players being UT players. These former players are all more connected to and knowledgeable of the UT football program than the average sidewalk fan.

I'm by no means an "insider" or more "in the know" than the average fan, but this subject is something I have some information on.

UT is still recruiting and will continue to recruit Gibson until NSD. I do not know if they will ultimately land him or what position he would ultimately play for UT, because NO ONE knows that. However, I have been informed that the UT staff loves Gibson's athleticism and explosiveness & his potential to excel at the QB position in UT's offense.

Yes, UT is in a bit of a tight scholarship numbers situation regarding this years class. And yes, UT has already received 2 commitments in this class from prep players who will be given the chance to play the QB position. So yes, on paper it would seem that a college football team with only limited scholarship numbers and 2 QB prospects already committed would have absolutely no use for a 3rd QB recruit and completely quit recruiting that prospect and lose contact.

But college football recruiting, especially in the SEC, shouldn't be and isn't measured on paper or potential. Becoming complacent, by the books, or hesitant in SEC recruiting doesn't work. It will get you beat. UT's staff doesn't possess any of those traits and will not recruit like that. They are relentless and do not stop.

It is a business. It's cut throat. An offer from UT does not guarantee you the ability to become a commitment & being a commitment does not guarantee you a spot on the bus on NSD. Recruits, as well as players, are constantly being evalauated. A spot isn't guaranteed. So many different factors can and will come into play. Constantly. Injuries, suspensions, terminations, transfers, releases, etc. will always happen.

UT will continue to recruit Gibson because the staff is aware of the constant change that can and will take place in college football recruiting & they consider Gibson an elite recruit.

Will UT ultimately sign Gibson? Will Gibson play QB or WR in college? Would Butch Jones accept Gibson's commitment as of today? I don't have those answers. No one really does.

Here are the facts. Torrance Gibson is a phenomenal athlete and football player. UT is still actively recruiting Gibson and would very much like for him to be a Vol.

Will he wait too long? Will the spots be there on NSD? Those questions haven't been answered and are definitely up for debate. What should no longer be up for debate is rather UT has backed off Gibson or not. They haven't.

I personally hope Gibson ends up playing college football for UT. He is an extraordinary talent. If he doesn't, I, nor any UT fan (I'm looking at you CodyG) should have any ill feelings towards him. I will wish him the best. With or without him, UT's football program will continue to go in the right direction under Buch Jones. UT football fans should sit back and enjoy what's happening.

That's all. TIFWIW.

Vols B****.



And by the way, this is a perfect example of how to apply your football playing experience to this board. Humble, yet knowledgeable and informative. Well said, sir and I agree 100%.
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This old dead horse has been splattered all over Ft. Sanders for some time now. But the pounding continues.

Is it unreasonable to have 5 potential QBs on scholarship?

According to one side it is, especially if it is another DT they don't want at QB. Considering the fact that we had 3 QBs start games last season, two of which having no experience, and a fourth with no experience who would have started a game had he not been injured - I think that position is really kind of silly. Especially when you know that two of three newcomers are DTs that could excel at other positions. There will still be room in 2016 to recruit another one, because at least one of those two will end up somewhere else along with a possible transfer.

So it has resorted to gigging others about TG possibly playing us with no evidence of that other than some real (maybe) and imagined twitter comments. Really? The guy is enjoying the dance. He still has a senior season to play and he knows any major program with a brain that runs a spread offense is going to give him a serious look no matter where they stand on commitments.

This year's version of Adoree that we have a better chance of landing. We are in the final group - unlike our wannabe thoughts about Adoree last year. That's all there is until TG decides because our staff is still pursuing.
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As stated before, UT is, was asystemwill always be my number one.

But to directly answer your question, I want someone other than TG at QB for Auburn. A recruit that UT had little to no chance with from the beginning.

Because u and I both know he would be unreal in their sys
As stated before, UT is, was and will always be my number one.

But to directly answer your question, I want someone other than TG at QB for Auburn. A recruit that UT had little to no chance with from the beginning.

Little to no chance with? Lol. You must love talkin' out your ass.
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Because u and I both know he would be unreal in their sys

I dont disagree. I would be happy to have TG at UT or AU. But I wanted QD more at UT, and I want someone else more at AU.

But seriously guys, enough of pointing out I am an AU fan. I'm here to talk about UT and UT only.
Little to no chance with? Lol. You must love talkin' out your ass.

You don't even know what recruit I am talking about. So how can you accuse me of "talking out of my ###"?

edited to add:

Oh, I see, you thought I was saying that we had little to no chance with TG. That is not what I meant. Go back and re-read that post.
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Since you pointed it out THREE times in just this ONE post, I'll address this tidbit... This is a thread...about Torrance Gibson...IT'S NOT HIS PERSONAL ACCOUNT!!! We're not going to discuss this in the Riley Lovingood thread AND we're not going to abandon our points on whether he's a take because it ANNOYS YOU!

I know. You will just continue to spew negative trash like a bunch of prepubescent jackwagons. Give yourself a pat on the back. You guys are really special.
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I know. You will just continue to spew negative trash like a bunch of prepubescent jackwagons. Give yourself a pat on the back. You guys are really special.

I'm the leader of the "ignore butchna" bandwagon.. Join me!

The more ppl that ignore it, the more it will help all of us.

It is a troll that lives to deflect and troll volnation.
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As the world turns....

@JayJayUSATODAY: What's the latest with 5⭐️ QB Torrance Gibson (@quick_tg6) & how did his visits to Auburn & Tennessee REALLY go? Read his blog tomorrow...
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IMO that is what happened. The day QD became a Vol, the door closed on TG.
I guess my crystal ball works after all. :)

Didn't think there was any way we could/would take 3 QB prospects, and doubted TG was going to consider playing at WR. If he wants to play there instead, I see no problem with it. But he probably told our staff, no thanks on that notion.
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