the way its being told, it seems like more than grades to me.
LC is a public school right?
whats passing?
If he cant play football going into fall, it would seem like he shouldnt be allowed to move into his senior year with his academic class.
someone explain the tennessee public school qualifications to me please
2.0 is required by tssaa
2.0 is required by tssaa
... if you can't pass public high school in the state of TN in 2012 than you either have learning disabilities or just simply don't try...
Actually, there is no minimum GPA required by the TSSAA for eligibility. It's based on classes passed/credits earned in the previous year.
If a school is on a block schedule, a student/athlete has to have earned 5 credits (based on 24 to graduate) in the previous year to be eligible in the first semester of the following year.
If a school isn't on block scheduling, it takes 6 credits (if more than 24 credits are required for graduation) earned in the previous year to be eligible the following year.
It's all spelled out on page 11 of this link:
If yall watched Dooley's press conf. video he talked about recruiting players who may not make it in because of grades in relation to Dante Phillips. Basically he said if he didn't think players (Cam Patrick) would make it in to school academically then they wouldn't let them sign. His reasoning behind this was the new rules against oversigning prohibits taking risks on certain guys.
If the staff doesn't think he will he sign, he will probably cut loose before NSD.
Cordarelle Patterson has a Horrible history academicallly and was still in jeopardy up until this summer....
Dooley still let him sign because of his Superior Talent. it's a risk/reward battle
Most public schools don't hold kids back anymore, instead of retaking the class they go ahead and move them on and let the kid do credit recovery in a designated class and at home... it has become absolutely ridiculous...principals get pressure from state...pass that on to teachers... if you can't pass public high school in the state of TN in 2012 than you either have learning disabilities or just simply don't try...
Does anyone know what he plans on doing now? Staying at Lenoir or transferring elsewhere?
apparently he keeps jumping schools hoping to eventually land somewhere that extremely low grades and constant delinquency are approved. i went to school at clinton (circa 98-01) and we had too many athletes like this. never in class and dumb as a sack of hammers. sad really, a LOT of them would be semi or maybe even professional athletes by now. don't believe me? check the community center gym mondays and wednesdays. they'll be there.
Based on what we know about his grades, and TSSAA rules, his options are pretty limited. I doubt he will be able to gain TSSAA eligibility, since summer school is over, and schools are starting up. That would leave prep school/JUCO as his only remaining option, assuming he gets his grades in order this academic year. I think the chances of him suiting up for UT are pretty slim.Does anyone know what he plans on doing now? Staying at Lenoir or transferring elsewhere?
Was told by a pretty knowledgable source he is living in the West HS zone and is academically ineligible this year.