SIAP, this was posted on
"According to his transcript from Lenoir City he was only 1 credit shy of being eligible to play for them . He made that credit up over the summer through Knox Countiy's credit recovery program, which is an online course software called E=Learning. And that program is used county wide for any student that needs to retake a course. The reason he is at West and not Lenoir City is because his guardianship changed from his uncle who was fired at Lenoir City, to his real dad who lives 2 blocks from West and where he has 2 brothers that have played for the last 2 years. He could play for Lenoir City if he wanted to pay tuition and drive to Lenoir City everyday. He never did live in their zone, he could play for them because his guardian at the time was employed there.
So, here is where it stands. Academically according to TSSAA guidelines he is going to be eligible. He did have a legal change of guardian to his real dad who does actually lives in the West zone. So, those things are working in his favor. There is one more hurdle to clear. Lenoir City has to write a letter stating that he did not transfer solely for athletics. Wether they are willing to do that remains to be seen. If they do then the decision on his eligiblity falls right in the lap of the TSSAA executive director, Bernard Childress. We shall see."