'15 TN WR Van Jefferson

No he didn't.

He said that OSU "seemed to have the momentum right now."

I know that doesn't seem like an important distinction, but when you have followed VQ for a while, you know that it is.

OSU has the momentum = He is going to OSU.

OSU seems to have the momentum = There is a public perception that he may go to OSU.

Madkins with the stuff.:good!:
Originally Posted by Madkins8 View Post
No he didn't.

He said that OSU "seemed to have the momentum right now."

I know that doesn't seem like an important distinction, but when you have followed VQ for a while, you know that it is.

OSU has the momentum = He is going to OSU.

OSU seems to have the momentum = There is a public perception that he may go to OSU.

Ok, oh great BRAJP interpreter, here is what Hubbs said in the same exact post about tuttle. Tell us, oh wise one, what code this is:

I think Tennessee currently has the momentum for Tuttle. I don't expect UNC or NC State to go quietly into the night.

Now by your logic we can decipher this to mean that Hubbs "thinks" Tennessee has the momemtum, meaning he is basing it on his own opinion and nothing else.

"currently" obviously means we only have momentum for right now and it's likely to slip away.

The reference to NC and NC State not going quietly into the night obviously means that one of them will be the new leader tomorrow.

that right?
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p.s. Fortenberry just said this...

After the Tennessee visit he was feeling Tennessee, from talking to a few people after the Ohio State visit he is feeling the Buckeyes. Tennessee is still very much a factor with him and he's still listening. But, they are going to have to flip back that momentum.

Let's all wait for Madkins to tell us what it actually means.
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Let him come off this visit.

When he sits down with his parents, it will be clear where he needs to go. This is a smart family.
Ok, oh great BRAJP interpreter, here is what Hubbs said in the same exact post about tuttle. Tell us, oh wise one, what code this is:

Now by your logic we can decipher this to mean that Hubbs "thinks" Tennessee has the momemtum, meaning he is basing it on his own opinion and nothing else.

"currently" obviously means we only have momentum for right now and it's likely to slip away.

The reference to NC and NC State not going quietly into the night obviously means that one of them will be the new leader tomorrow.

that right?

I'll never understand the venom from you people over such trivial things.
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Ok, oh great BRAJP interpreter, here is what Hubbs said in the same exact post about tuttle. Tell us, oh wise one, what code this is:

Now by your logic we can decipher this to mean that Hubbs "thinks" Tennessee has the momemtum, meaning he is basing it on his own opinion and nothing else.

"currently" obviously means we only have momentum for right now and it's likely to slip away.

The reference to NC and NC State not going quietly into the night obviously means that one of them will be the new leader tomorrow.

that right?

That is exactly what I said.

It seems = public perception
I think = internal opinion

I don't know how one could not understand the difference.
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I'll never understand the venom from you people over such trivial things.

I'll never understand the thought process of someone escalating a conversation and then playing the role of martyr when a person loses their cool with them. There's an old saying, 'Keep your own side of the street clean'.
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I am curious who "you people" is a reference too though? Seems to be quite a venomous statement for someone complaining about venom.

You people = those of you who sling venom over innocent statements.

You people, when not otherwise specified, refers to people with the characteristics described in the statement.
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This thread is pretty funny. I read an article on the tOSU 247 site that said Jefferson would be a lock to tOSU after this weekend. Now, VN is about to start its typical meltdown.

It's down to UT and tOSU, and UGA is almost out of the picture. Let him settle down after the hype from his most recent visit. It's a similar situation with many other prospects. We all knew it was going to be a fight with tOSU, so just be glad that he's only a couple of hours away from Knoxville.
Not concerned at all. Sure OSU has some momentum coming out of the weekend but the kid is close with players at UT. The high of that visit will wear off and he will go where he and his family feel the most comfortable with him being which is UT.

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