Some of this has been discussed, but I'll put my thoughts down here.
1. I watched his highlight film: (any negative folks actually do that?), which is his Sophomore film, by the way... a 15 year old... not 20... which would be about the age he would potentially start logging game time at UT after a redshirt year, and a year under Dobbs.
2. Big arm: He is not stepping into his throws at all. A bit like a young Tyler Bray that way. Tyler still continued with that throughout his career at UT, because he had the arm to do it, and probably did not care to improve himself, but QD will pick that up.
3. Questionable throws: Some throws, you can get away with in HS, and he throws those (little flutter passes), and gets completions. Those are pick-6 in the SEC, but it is dang near impossible to get a player to NOT throw those, when they are completions in HS. When he begins practicing against SEC speed, he will learn.
4. Not a lot of movement in the pocket: Most throws had him sitting firmly in his shotgun position, and with quick reads. He didn't move around much.
5. Butch Jones QB: With all due respect to Patrick, I don't believe that Butch is locked into a particular "cookie cutter" player. We all know the best coaches take what they have, and make it work, tailoring the offense and defense to suit available "parts". Yes, there will always be physical attributes that are desirable, but if you sacrifice a bit of mobility because a guy has the potential to throw for 350 a game, you'd be a fool to do that. I think if Butch had some non-negotiables for a QB, they would be:
a. Size (height & build)
b. Arm strength
c. Accuracy
d. Smart
e. Character/work ethic/leadership
If your recruit checks out here, you can win games, whether or not he picks up 50 yards on the ground.
6. We beat Bama: I don't know if Bama wanted Waller or QD more, and I really don't care, but they definitely wanted QD, and he chose TN. That, is a fine feeling, pulling one off, head-to-head with the top recruiting program in the nation for the last 5 years.
7. 4* Bump: If he is as good as we HOPE he is, I would be shocked if he was not a consensus 4* by NSD... probably much sooner. Some recruits have fallen in love with the Gibson hype, but when they get to see QD, I think everyone will be pleased. I am not sure if he will continue to camp, or if an all-star game invite is still possible, but these would help as well. Torrance Gibson gives you more "star power", but in the end, I don't think he would be as good a QB... IMO