I love Butch, I don't mind his coach speak and yes, I do believe the success of this program is solely responsible in thanks to him. He is a great recruiter, motivator, and leader. I think time will prove that he is also a great talent evaluator and can develop players to reach their full potential. Aside from those things, I think he does a fantastic job in all the things that go behind the scenes that tends to go unnoticed and unappreciated. I have a lot of praise for Butch. I never jumped ship against him during our tough stretch of losses...
There is no denying that the guy is or at least portrays himself to be ignorant to the media. He would not admit his coaching mistakes or acknowledge any concerns that 99% of Volnation had. It seemed as if there wasn't any accountability to coaches, players, or decisions that played fault to the team's downfalls. Butch only wants positive coverage. I understand that, but negative coverage isn't bad when the coach responds well to it. Alot of fans wanted to quit on Butch, not only because he was losing games he shouldn't have, but because it didn't seem as if the team was prepared to take on the task of learning and growing from their mistakesRather, the response was to trust the system and act as if everyone else had no reason to be concerned. The team had a successful season at 9-4, but could have easily won 3 of those losses had they made adjustments and weren't so conservative.
Compare this to Rick Barnes who analyzes everything about each one of his players and refuses to give them too much praise. Even when a player has a terrific game, he will always mention what that individual could have done better.