Luke Stampini...
QB Jarrett Guarantano takes a shot deep to Binjimen Victor (but) fires it 5 yards out of bounds.
Jarrett Guarantano connects with Binjimen Victor on back to back crossing routes.
Guarantano hits Devin Duvernay on a post for a good (gain). Christian Wallace in coverage.
Guarantano over shoots Darnell Salomon on the next snap.
Guarantano to Victor again on the sidelines
Next throw nearly picked off by Sewo Olonilua over the middle.
Binjimen Victor gets open on a post and Guarantano over throws him.
Guarantano threw three over throws to turn the ball over on downs.
Binjimen Victor gets open on a post, Guarantano takes a shot at him with a good throw, but Traveon Beck holds Victors arm to draw the PI.
Guarantano to Victor again before the half but a drop by Victor. Likely wouldn't have stayed in bounds on the fade attempt.