For those that are a little slow....Obviously I am not a "head football coach" no more than someone proclaims to be UT KING. Selecting a screen name was just a pot shot at Spurrier. Now for the real reason I post on this thread...I love UT football. I am sick and tired of seeing kids being handed a full ride scholarship, i.e. Kelly Washington, Da'rick Rogers, Nukeese, etc. when they have grown up being coddled. Call it what you will, but there are a heck of a lot more kids that play football at Powell besides Middleton and these kids do not deserve to see this kid being given all the favoritism while they show up and bust their behinds and "Give their all" for Powell football. As an example, if a kid commits a personal foul, they are berated by their coaches. Not Middleton. Coaches won't say anything cause they don't want to make him mad. He might threaten to quit. One thing is for sure, the Powell program will be better off without Middleton, even if it does mean 1 or 2 less wins. Now, is this considered bashing or having a vendetta? I do not have anything personal against Middleton. I personally thought his being on the team would help a lot of kids from Powell and the teams that Powell plays, in that when a coach shows up to scout him, their is a better chance of other kids getting noticed. Let's save the scholarships for kids that deserve it. HO, CR etc. For those of you who think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, give him a shout out and tell him how much you would love for the "2016 UT Committee" come play at your high school.