'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

Until the pumpers grow stale :p

I can pump for a looooonnnnnggggg time. :wink2:

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When Butch was resurrecting us from being a perennial 5-7 team, everyone was firmly on the Butch train. Now he has a year where he doesn't meet your lofty expectations and everyone is ready to throw him under the bus. I want to see UT winning championships as much as anybody but I realize that we will never do that jumping from coach to coach like some crack head in need of a new fix. Butch is a good coach despite what some think but he has some learning to do as well. We can toss him but I think if we do, we will regret it in 5 to 10 years when he is winning championships at some other school and we are on our second or third coach since firing him. We are so quick to abandon players and coaches if they have a bad game or a bad season. We are the worst fans in CFB IMO. We are the best fans at the same time because we care so much about this team. It is our extreme personal investment that makes us the best and worst fans. Take the personal emotion out of it for a minute and tell me if you are truly disappointed with the direction of this football team. Investments usually don't increase constantly. They often have plateaus or even dips. If you abandon them at the first sign of a slow down you often miss out on huge returns in the future. I'm all in on this class and Butch for the long term. Until I see signs of serious neglect and decline I think Butch and, even more so, these kids that chose to be Vols, need our support and encouragement. They don't need our snide little remarks about how mediocre they are. They are Vols and that makes them ours. I love every player that suits up and gives their all for the Vols.

People on here are fair weather fans because they are ready to give up on this class, this team, before they have even had the first practice. Fans cheer until the clock reads 00:00 in the 4th quarter. They don't leave at half time. They stand ready to cheer ALL the players and inspire them to give their all for each other and the fans. Some of y'all didn't even wait until halftime. Y'all are outside the stadium scalping your tickets to opposing fans. Fair weather.

Great post Glicht. You said just about everything I was going to. I wish I could predict the lottery like I predicted this season...It went almost exactly like I said it would. No pat on the back for that, just a sucky gut punched feeling even though we knew it was going this way..Oh well...on to next season :)
Well for one the ACC is much easier to compete in

I mean Clemson had an easy year this year. Sure they beat the last 4 teams to win the national championship, but that doesn't mean they had a hard schedule, right?
I don't have time to get into all the ones imo

But telling your 240 beastly RB to get to the sideline and trotting your skinny FG kicker out to kick....with the ball on the 6 inch line. Just made a huge play on defense at home....crowd is rowdy and the energy level could have sent a rocket to the moon. And the decision to kick a FG. Seems like yesterday. I sensed that sent a message to the team and the fans. Fair weather decision imo

I thought his major failing in the OU game was when he coached Alex Elis to let a pass hit him in the face at the 20 when the closest defender was 5 yards away.
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I thought his major failing in the OU game was when he coaches Alex Elis to let a pass hit him in the face at the 20 when the closest defender was 5 yards away.

I kind of got down on butch when he didn't go for two, and the win in the a&M game whe n we scored at the end of the game. Our defense was not stopping them at any point. Both of these games, okla. last year and a&m this year makes me question his heart and courage under pressure.
Yeah, I suppose none of the other 130 teams in FBS have players who have to go to school or get injured.
Only UT.

Any of them taking aerospace engineering or lose nearly half their starters? Nope didn't think so. GTFO troll.

EDIT: no UT shouldn't have lost to USC, but to act like the situation was no different than other programs is simply blatant ignorance or straight troll job. Pretty obvious which you are skippy.
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Umm, he just beat Alabama recruiting at that level and won the NC
Lololol bc the road to the NC through the ACC is on the same level as the SEC 😭😭

We would have to play Bama twice just to get into the playoff, not even the championship you do realize this right? Crazy things happen when you use your head.
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I kind of got down on butch when he didn't go for two, and the win in the a&M game whe n we scored at the end of the game. Our defense was not stopping them at any point. Both of these games, okla. last year and a&m this year makes me question his heart and courage under pressure.

We have been bad at short yardage plays for a few years which falls partially on the O-line and having a QB that always lines up in the shotgun. If Hurd was at aTm maybe we go for 2. If we had converted against UF on 4th and short maybe we go for 2. I just think Butch knew it was a major short coming of this team and played for OT.

The flip side is if we take the lead there aTm is more aggressive and wouldn't have settled for a long field goal attempt. Sumlin knew it was a long kick but had his kicker attempt it b/c there was almost no risk.
Lololol bc the road to the NC through the ACC is on the same level as the SEC 😭😭

We would have to play Bama twice just to get into the playoff, not even the championship you do realize this right? Crazy things happen when you use your head.

That isn't always the case. If we had beaten Bama last year then Ole Miss would have won the West. Kind of ironic because it would have resulted in UF winning the SEC
When Butch was resurrecting us from being a perennial 5-7 team, everyone was firmly on the Butch train. Now he has a year where he doesn't meet your lofty expectations and everyone is ready to throw him under the bus. I want to see UT winning championships as much as anybody but I realize that we will never do that jumping from coach to coach like some crack head in need of a new fix. Butch is a good coach despite what some think but he has some learning to do as well. We can toss him but I think if we do, we will regret it in 5 to 10 years when he is winning championships at some other school and we are on our second or third coach since firing him. We are so quick to abandon players and coaches if they have a bad game or a bad season. We are the worst fans in CFB IMO. We are the best fans at the same time because we care so much about this team. It is our extreme personal investment that makes us the best and worst fans. Take the personal emotion out of it for a minute and tell me if you are truly disappointed with the direction of this football team. Investments usually don't increase constantly. They often have plateaus or even dips. If you abandon them at the first sign of a slow down you often miss out on huge returns in the future. I'm all in on this class and Butch for the long term. Until I see signs of serious neglect and decline I think Butch and, even more so, these kids that chose to be Vols, need our support and encouragement. They don't need our snide little remarks about how mediocre they are. They are Vols and that makes them ours. I love every player that suits up and gives their all for the Vols.

People on here are fair weather fans because they are ready to give up on this class, this team, before they have even had the first practice. Fans cheer until the clock reads 00:00 in the 4th quarter. They don't leave at half time. They stand ready to cheer ALL the players and inspire them to give their all for each other and the fans. Some of y'all didn't even wait until halftime. Y'all are outside the stadium scalping your tickets to opposing fans. Fair weather.

Boom. It RARELY happens overnight. Takes time to build a championship level roster, especially with what Butch took over. There will be ebbs and flows. Butch didn't have as much to sell recruits this year. But he DID make staff changes, upgrades imo, and if we have a good year we can have a very strong class next year.

Here's to hoping everything clicks this year. I know some of you are licking your chops hoping it's a disaster.
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The guy wrong 100% of the time.

He is just guessing. Somewhere along the lines he hit one and became known as an insider I guess. He misses on hoops recruits too.

Honestly, has he gotten one right in the past two or three years?

Guess if you throw enough poo at the wall, one will eventually stick. Poor VN and it's blind optimism, breeding fake insiders.

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