'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

Good luck doing that, this kid is someone you want in your program, not only for his talent, but also they way he conducts himself outside of football.

Which is my point exactly. Ray appears to me to be a high character person. Why suggest that if Auburn were involved that they could buy his commitment. For that to work, Ray would have to be willing to take the money and I simply do not believe he would. The same goes for accusations that Bama will or would do that.
Well, let me be clear. I love my Tide and really hope Ray goes to Bama. We really do need him.

But something I've learned over my many years is to not worry and fret over things I have no control over, and don't lose perspective about what's truly important vs what's really not. For me, Bama FB is entertainment.

For Labryan Ray, his college choice is a huge decision. He apparently gets that and feels he should go through the entire recruiting process, doing his due dilligence, and then choose (privately) what's best for his future.

He appears to be doing exactly that.

My guess is he'll just make a simple non-ceremonial announcement via Twitter, if he even announces it at all. He might just call coaches to thank them and then fax in his signed papers on NSD.

I agree that my view I have too much other stuff in my life to let this consume me I would like us to recruit and play better tho....makes Saturdays little easier lol
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Unless you want to announce on National TV on NSD. Then maybe you keep it to yourself.

Edit: Damn! I just negavol'd. Son of a B****!

Troll, imo.

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Not to be all negative but this mirrors Cam Akers leading up to his announcement. Would love to get him though. Curious as to what the Bama mods are saying on their end.

I'm guessing they are saying pretty much the same thing, just saying it through fewer teeth.

Well, I don't usually get this involved, but since you asked I went and did some recon. I got this picture of a couple of their mods...


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Bama is just as dirty

Yeah---I hate Alabama as much as anyone, but to always assume that they have to pay all of these 5* to come and play for a program under one of the greatest coaches of all time with a definite chance to win a NC is just old and just false.....
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Yeah---I hate Alabama as much as anyone, but to always assume that they have to pay all of these 5* to come and play for a program under one of the greatest coaches of all time with a definite chance to win a NC is just old and just false.....

Not false. The 5* gets paid more to come there. Those who produce on the field results continue getting paid more than those who don't.

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