'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

Hey Tidal Surge,

Since your hear have you ever heard about the time I diddled your defensive coordinators fiancé?
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Ray is not going to Alabama. If he was going to Alabama, he would have already pulled the trigger. He is all Vol.

That's is true though. If he were such a Bama Lean why wait til Signing day ? Or maybe he is just playing the recruiting game ?
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I'm calling this guy as Ignonts surprise, with the news of LaBryan and Trey also bonding, both having lost their mothers at such a terribly young age. This is something that forms a bond only those who lost a parent at an early age can understand, take it from me. Both have a longing for that bond, both understand what you go through. ...man this could be a big deal. I hate that such a tragic commonality could be the reason they came together but glad the guys have someone to talk to. I wish the kid the best either way but hope it's in UT Orange
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My son has been coaching Ray at James Clemons HS for four years and Ray won't even tell him or his HC much of anything. Since they have no inside scoop, I seriously doubt that I'll find any on what Ray is feeling on this or any other recruiting board or web site. I'm not nervous at all about Ray. I'm very confident he will go to Bama. I could be wrong, but if so, I won't lose one wink of sleep over it.

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Give the Alabama fan some credit. I mean, most Alabama fans rarely even know who their father is. This guy actually has a relationship with his son.
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Tide warrior maybe?

Tide Warrior is correct. Many on here talked about how classy he was. He was the biggest troll. Couldn't stand the guy. Anytime we got a commit it was that's a great pickup for you guys but he would insinuate Bama would never give the recruit the time of day. He was a classic bandwagon fan. Never lived in Bama, never attended the school. He claimed his uncle twice removed took him to hear the bear when he was a kid. I don't think he ever attended a game.
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If you are the No. 1 recruit in the state and you aren't going to go to the home school then you certainly keep it close to the vest.

If he was going to Bama then no big deal.
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If you are the No. 1 recruit in the state and you aren't going to go to the home school then you certainly keep it close to the vest.

If he was going to Bama then no big deal.

Unless you want to announce on National TV on NSD. Then maybe you keep it to yourself.

Edit: Damn! I just negavol'd. Son of a B****!
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That's the epitome of al recruiting
Well, let me be clear. I love my Tide and really hope Ray goes to Bama. We really do need him.

But something I've learned over my many years is to not worry and fret over things I have no control over, and don't lose perspective about what's truly important vs what's really not. For me, Bama FB is entertainment.

For Labryan Ray, his college choice is a huge decision. He apparently gets that and feels he should go through the entire recruiting process, doing his due dilligence, and then choose (privately) what's best for his future.

He appears to be doing exactly that.

My guess is he'll just make a simple non-ceremonial announcement via Twitter, if he even announces it at all. He might just call coaches to thank them and then fax in his signed papers on NSD.
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Well, let me be clear. I love my Tide and really hope Ray goes to Bama. We really do need him.

But something I've learned over my many years is to not worry and fret over things I have no control over, and don't lose perspective about what's truly important vs what's really not. For me, Bama FB is entertainment.

For Labryan Ray, his college choice is a huge decision. He apparently gets that and feels he should go through the entire recruiting process, do his due dilligence and choose (privately) what's best for his future.

He appears to be doing exactly that.

My guess is he'll just make a simple non-ceremonial announcement via Twitter, if he even announces it at all. He might just call coaches to thank them and then fax in his signed papers on NSD.

Yep. Seems like a very humble guy for being the #1 player in Alabama. Defensive version of Trey Smith IMO.
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Unless you want to announce on National TV on NSD. Then maybe you keep it to yourself.

Edit: Damn! I just negavol'd. Son of a B****!


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