'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

Let's see. We are in the LaBryan Ray thread, and you say, nothing is happening. Newt said "it's happening." This "it's happening," generally means we are getting a commitment from someone or something else good for the Vols. When you say nothing is happening, surely you can see why some people might think, myself included, that you were inferring that we are not going to get Ray. You can see that, right? I mean, it's right there in the quote above.

How did i get brought into this? Lol
Whoops, sorry, I get you and Bassmaster up all the time. I have no idea. Other than, I am old. Soooo...you think we get Ray or nah?

I want to believe...lots of things point to us. Really the only thing pointing to bama is that they are bama.

To keep us straight...i much prefer trout fishing.
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I'll ponder that, then proceed to ask all the people who get annoyed and/mad with Tony, why in fact they do get mad/annoyed with tony.

After them, I'll ask those who get angry and/or annoyed with the negavols, why in fact they all get mad when they say, "he gone."

I'll be sure to remind them that it's only a message board and perhaps we can all come together and paint rainbows and unicorns with bass.

Edit: and drink beer, apparently its losens you up like Pamela Anderson.

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Hubbs said on Sportstalk that he thinks Ray is the only take no matter what recruit left on the board
It isn't hard to be level headed about possible recruiting losses when you're a Bammer, in much the same way as our president likely wouldn't get too torn up about dropping a $100 bill on the sidewalk. If they were to suddenly wake up with no 5 stars, he might not be quite as stoic about the loss.
Lol good point.
I'd love to see Kongbo and Phillips get the "start" and have Taylor and Ray behind them IF Ray comes to us. Let's not forget that last year was Kongbo's third year playing football, ever. Also, let's remember that Phillips was an Army All American DE in high school. Both of them have had to spend the majority of their time inside as a result of our injuries, DT being a position that's totally new to both of them. We have some great DEs, I think they just need a real opportunity at their natural position. Fingers crossed that the rotation of Vickers, Kmac, Tuttle and Johnson can stay in place so our DEs can do their thing.

I'm with you on Phillips. I want him to be at end. I think Kongbo could be equally dominant inside or out.
Lots of rustled jimmies in here. Imma just feed off the few good vibes and remain unrustled.

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Let's see. We are in the LaBryan Ray thread, and you say, nothing is happening. Newt said "it's happening." This "it's happening," generally means we are getting a commitment from someone or something else good for the Vols. When you say nothing is happening, surely you can see why some people might think, myself included, that you were inferring that we are not going to get Ray. You can see that, right? I mean, it's right there in the quote above.
I mean if we're going to be technical here, you're right and wrong. Yes I did CLEARLY say, "unless you have insider info, then nothing is happening."

Let's disect that, shall we?

1st) I clearly stated unless you have insider info- which he didn't, no source, nothing. Neither did I, which is why I said, nothing is happening.

2) Happen: To take place or occur.
3) Happened: occurred (in the past)
4) Happening: Occuring (present tense)
5) Will Happen: (Will occur/take place) AKA future tense.

So basically dumbing it down for you and all those smart ones who "liked" your post, your total perception of my post was wrong. Just bc I said, "nothing is happening (pay attention to the "ing" at the end of "happen" doesn't mean nothing "will happen" in the future :)

So now that class is over ( do I get paid for this btw?) What has happened (past tense) since my last post?

Did he commit yet? Is it happening (present tense) ?!?? 😍😍
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Yeah. Some of them are absolutely unbearable. You open the site and have an instant headache. Most of them are just hard to navigate, which makes it not worth the effort for fans to go on to.

Aside from the obvious, this is a better forum though, it does also have to do with the people on here too. Once you get past the people who truly hate you because of the team you root for. There are actually people on this board that are willing to talk about other teams. That doesn't happen much on other teams boards.

I am a Vol fan through and through, but I am also a fan of College Football. The NFL lost it's shine to me several years ago.
Completely agree! We have a very unique bunch here. We don't always get along but sometimes that actually what keeps it interesting during the offseason. I don't respond to you much but you're posts always catch my eye you're a good guy.

I slept through more packers games this year than ever but could not miss a Vols game. I'm slowly turning to your side when it comes to the NFL.
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But just think guys at about this time they are talking to Ray to get him to come here and by the end of the night they will have a pretty good idea of where he is going... Unless they know for sure because he gave them a silent commit.... Oh come on with it already....

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