'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

But just think guys at about this time they are talking to Ray to get him to come here and by the end of the night they will have a pretty good idea of where he is going... Unless they know for sure because he gave them a silent commit.... Oh come on with it already....

Hate having to wait till Wednesday.
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Completely agree! We have a very unique bunch here. We don't always get along but sometimes that actually what keeps it interesting during the offseason. I don't respond to you much but you're posts always catch my eye you're a good guy.

I slept through more packers games this year than ever but could not miss a Vols game. I'm slowly turning to your side when it comes to the NFL.

If no one posted on here except when there was actual news to talk about, this forum would be like a ghost town, like most of the other teams forums are.

Some people get upset over all the arguing and the off topic banter that goes on, I see it as keeping the board alive.

Others may argue your statement of me being a good guy, but I appreciate the compliment. :hi:
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There is no new news yet however you have to feel good about tennessee because of how long this process has lasted... Kinda like a very much mature Akers....
So did the ice cream happen or not. These are KEY DETAILS

I asked this same question this afternoon. No answer. I'm currently unable to do so tonight.. but can someone call the Dairy Queen by his highschool posing as a federal agent to gain access to the surveillance footage and receipts of today from 2-11pm. TIA
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All I know is that both NSD and the opening round of March Madness should be national holidays....not like we are gonna get anything done those days anyway :)
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