'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

Yall are funny thinking we get Ray over bama. Lolz. When was the last time we beat bama head to head for a 5 star player they actually wanted that wasnt from the state of Tennessee or a legacy?

Lets wait and see. There is obviously a lot of interest on the part of Ray. Stop acting like it's a one-horse race.
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Yeah but when is the last time Butch has ever beaten out Saban for a defensive end from the state of Alabama who isn't a Tennessee legacy or from Tennessee who grew up in Alabama who has the last name Ray and his first name has three syllables and ends with the letter N?

I'm tell you in a week
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He hasn't beaten out Bama for players who are very strong leans to Alabama.


Nor have many (any?) other coaches. It's not like this 'problem' is specific to Butch. It happens to every single coach in the SEC, as well as coaches around the country. Saban gets who he wants - that's how it's been. Not only is he the best coach in CFB, he's also far and away the best recruiter.
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Yeah but when is the last time Butch has ever beaten out Saban for a defensive end from the state of Alabama who isn't a Tennessee legacy or from Tennessee who grew up in Alabama who has the last name Ray and his first name has three syllables and ends with the letter N?

Exactly! Fahr Butch!

Nor have many (any?) other coaches. It's not like this 'problem' is specific to Butch. It happens to every single coach in the SEC, as well as coaches around the country. Saban gets who he wants - that's how it's been. Not only is he the best coach in CFB, he's also far and away the best recruiter.

That's right. Everyone who goes to Bama gets a brand new Dodge Challenger. That's tough to beat!
Fantastic. I sure hope you're right. How do you know the family?

Sorry phone died when I was trying to respond.... My Dad works for KFD and works a lot of Vol games so he has gotten to be friends with the staff so they will through him some info when he asks.... And what he heard from them was they were pretty confident about labryan based on what they know about the situation... I also know Coach Fulmer because of family friends so I get to talk to him about tennessee football and how the recruiting cycle works... He obviously doesn't know anything about Ray situation but just to give an idea of how he is connected with UT.... I have heard from them before an they typically aren't wrong... They actually are the same people that told me Shy committed at a game he attended before it ever went public.... Not trying to name drop but just wanna provide some credibility to what I am saying.
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Can't beat bammer on the field.but boy we can give em a scare days before NSD. I will be glad when the loser standard vanishes lol
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No way they are true fans of the Vols. Say what you want about sunshine pumpers or whatever but some of these guys are obviously not UT fans. Or else, they just suck at life and love to be miserable people who would suck the life out of anyone who would spend anytime around them.

You can hate Jones for all I care, but how do you openly root for the coach at UT to fail if you are a true fan. You can think he is going to fail but to root for it means you want your team to lose. This just means you are not a UT fan regardless if you even have season tickets and donate. A fan would not want his team to lose a game ever. Makes you a non competitive snowflake. Best thing for us would be for them to melt away and never live again.
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No way they are true fans of the Vols. Say what you want about sunshine pumpers or whatever but some of these guys are obviously not UT fans. Or else, they just suck at life and love to be miserable people who would suck the life out of anyone who would spend anytime around them.

You can hate Jones for all I care, but how do you openly root for the coach at UT to fail if you are a true fan. You can think he is going to fail but to root for it means you want your team to lose. This just means you are not a UT fan regardless if you even have season tickets and donate. A fan would not want his team to lose a game ever. Makes you a non competitive snowflake. Best thing for us would be for them to melt away and never live again.
I see many not having blind faith
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It is not blind faith. It is actually not wanting to fail. I can see the bad. I can see this class not being the best. I hope we can get a couple of other nice lineman and close strong. I can also hope we go out and win every game next year. Do I expect it? NO! Did I expect my Falcons to ever get in the Super Bowl again after once in 50 years? Not really and not this year when they were 4-3. Guess what? They are one game away from winning it all. And it is a fun ride right now. It could be a fun ride for the Vols. Who knows but some on here NEVER say anything remotely good about the team. They are probably not really Vol fans. If you think everyone that post in here is a Vol fan who identifies as such then YOU ARE THE ONE WITH BLIND FAITH AND NOT VERY INTELLIGENT AS WELL.

Therefore, read and understand what the Rock is cooking but it doesn't surprise me that you would be one of the first to come in and support the Vol#1fans of this forum. What a freaking joke. You got two likes so far from the miserable idiots you are taking up for such as UT#1fan.
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I see many not having blind faith

The guy exaggerated about past recruiting battles and just flat out lied about Kongbo being so bad that coaches should run.

So if all you saw was someone not having blind faith in a coach, you seriously need a new optometrist.
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It is not blind faith. It is actually not wanting to fail. I can see the bad. I can see this class not being the best. I hope we can get a couple of other nice lineman and close strong. I can also hope we go out and win every game next year. Do I expect it? NO! Did I expect my Falcons to ever get in the Super Bowl again after once in 50 years? Not really and not this year when they were 4-3. Guess what? They are one game away from winning it all. And it is a fun ride right now. It could be a fun ride for the Vols. Who knows but some on here NEVER say anything remotely good about the team. They are probably not really Vol fans. If you think everyone that post in here is a Vol fan who identifies as such then YOU ARE THE ONE WITH BLIND FAITH AND NOT VERY INTELLIGENT AS WELL.

Therefore, read and understand what the Rock is cooking but it doesn't surprise me that you would be one of the first to come in and support the Vol#1fans of this forum. What a freaking joke. You got two likes so far from the miserable idiots you are taking up for such as UT#1fan.

I hadnt like it yet bro. He's got 3 now.
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It is not blind faith. It is actually not wanting to fail. I can see the bad. I can see this class not being the best. I hope we can get a couple of other nice lineman and close strong. I can also hope we go out and win every game next year. Do I expect it? NO! Did I expect my Falcons to ever get in the Super Bowl again after once in 50 years? Not really and not this year when they were 4-3. Guess what? They are one game away from winning it all. And it is a fun ride right now. It could be a fun ride for the Vols. Who knows but some on here NEVER say anything remotely good about the team. They are probably not really Vol fans. If you think everyone that post in here is a Vol fan who identifies as such then YOU ARE THE ONE WITH BLIND FAITH AND NOT VERY INTELLIGENT AS WELL.

Therefore, read and understand what the Rock is cooking but it doesn't surprise me that you would be one of the first to come in and support the Vol#1fans of this forum. What a freaking joke. You got two likes so far from the miserable idiots you are taking up for such as UT#1fan.

Hey....least he ain't Dooley
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