'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

Stating a fact... Yes, UF gets last visit?

He there right now eating free food, playing video games, and hanging out with players.

No troll job. Just facts.
Ray's eating free food, playing video games, and not learning squat about the UF football program because he doesn't give a deuce.
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I meant I was a kid when I started paying attn to Andy Kelly and the Vols.
I wanted CBJ fired at halftime of FL and was going crazy 2nd half. But ppl were criticizing and lost faith in CBJ and was being bashed. From how I've seen CBJ and Co. blow winning the East last 2 yrs...trusting only what I've seen I believe he peaked. Cruiting has taken a dip. My high standard with the Vols smh lol

Please explain to us what you would have done to win the SC and Vandy games. We were playing 3rd string defensive ends at tackle. They were being pushed back into our linebackers every play.

We couldn't get any pass rush up the middle so the QB just stepped up
In the pocket to negate Barnett coming around the end. I've played and seen allot of football in my life but I've never seen a team as decimated in one position.

Then not only there but we lost our best linebacker for the year and best DB for most of the year. It was the perfect storm against our defense.
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Please explain to us what you would have done to win the SC and Vandy games. We were playing 3rd string defensive ends at tackle. They were being pushed back into our linebackers every play.

We couldn't get any pass rush up the middle so the QB just stepped up
In the pocket to negate Barnett coming around the end. I've played and seen allot of football in my life but I've never seen a team as decimated in one position.

Then not only there but we lost our best linebacker for the year and best DB for most of the year. It was the perfect storm against our defense.

This doesn't matter to the negas. It's Butch's fault for not stacking 5*s four deep at every position.
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My wife's company Christmas party was held at the one located at the Shops of Legacy. I haven't been able to eat a lot at on sitting in many a moon, but on THAT NIGHT my friend? I represented! Ate this Texas Kobe monstrosity and EVERYTHING else they brought out...lobster bisque,dessert et al along with multiple Tennessee Peach drinks. No meat sweats and didn't even go to the bathroom. :aggressive: THAT is the man you're challenging.

Looks like my appetizer
So Kongbo wasn't a head case with very little production this past year? You blindunteers are hopeless. Look you must consider the context of this discussion. See someone said we beat Saban out for Kongno... I simply said Saban cooled on Kongnope because he saw traits of a draaama queen. And whata you know he's hanging up his fifa cleats mid year.

And those doubting my allegiance tonthe Vol are the real trolls. How dare you, I'm a Vol for life and a fan for life. In fact, I'm UT's#1Fan... the un says it all. Read it and weap. Check the stats

It is hilarious that you call Kongbo a drama queen and insist on using mature terms like blindunteers and Kongnope. If you're a fan then you likely would not delight in belittling our fans and players.
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It is hilarious that you call Kongbo a drama queen and insist on using mature terms like blindunteers and Kongnope. If you're a fan then you likely would not delight in belittling our fans and players.
OH THE IRONY UT'S#1FAN.... You literally couldn't of picked a worse name..... Hahaha.... It's ok guys he will see in about four days...
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It is hilarious that you call Kongbo a drama queen and insist on using mature terms like blindunteers and Kongnope. If you're a fan then you likely would not delight in belittling our fans and players.

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